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He looks toward my hand and shakes his head "are you cold?" My eyes start to close and I feel my bodies energy drain "Belle?" The voice's around me fade into the distance and before I know it I blank out again. The nurse runs out and looks at me "I need the room clear." Everyone leaves but Ricardo "could you give us privacy?" Ricardo nods and Gloria wraps her arm around his neck "come on. We will grab drink while they have a look at her?" Ricardo follows her outside and she closes the door behind them. After a few minutes the nurse runs out and starts speaking to another nurse and they both run back into the room.

"What's going on?" Ricardo stands up and looks at them "I'm not sure but it's probably nothing." Gloria taps the chair he was sitting on and smiles "let's just stay positive ok?" He nods and sits back down "your right. I mean she was speaking so surely that's good?" The room door opens and four nurses push my bed out and up the hallway "make room." The nurse looks at Ricardo and smiles softly before heading after the bed. He looks at Gloria and shakes his head "what's going on?" Gloria shrugs and stands up "I will check." She walks towards a doctor and starts speaking to him.

The doctor looks towards Ricardo and walks towards him "your Belle's fiancé?" Ricardo stands up and nods "yeah. Why? What's happened?" He smiles softly and takes a deep breath "we didn't stop all the bleeding and her body is rejecting the drugs we gave her so we are taking her up to theatre to have a C-section." Ricardo raises his eyebrows and nods "now?" He nods and Ricardo runs off after the nurse. He catches up as soon as they push me into the theatre room "please stay here and we will do our best to save both off them." The nurse nods and Ricardo takes a deep breath "please. You have to save her." The nurse nods and walks into the room closing the door behind her.

The next hour felt like a year and Ricardo paced the waiting area until the nurse came out "Ricardo?" He looks at her and smiles "what happened? Are they ok?" She smile softly and nods "your daughter was born at 4.38PM." She looks down and pauses for a few seconds "but unfortunately." Ricardo shakes his head and falls to the ground "no." The nurse shakes her head and he stands up and wipes away his tears "I." He looks at the room and shakes his head "I need to get out of here." He runs down the corridor and out the car park. He punches the wall and tears running down his face he wipes them making the blood from his hands go all over his face. He stands up straight and looks towards the exit "you will pay for this Abbie." He runs out the car park and down the street.

He pulls his phone out and dials a number "she's dead. I need to find Abbie. What have you got?" He looks towards the milkshake bar and shakes his head "never mind. I found her." He runs towards the milkshake entrance but a car pulls up and Carlos gets out "hey." Ricardo shakes his head "Carlos move." Carlos looks towards the car and Gloria gets out "she isn't dead." Ricardo looks at Gloria and shakes his head "what?" He locks his eyes onto Abbie again and scoffs "but the nurse said." Gloria walks towards him "the nurse said that she was in a coma if you stayed long enough to give her a chance." She hugs him and he takes a deep breath "I'm sorry."

Another car pulls up and Leticia gets out with a baseball bat "this one is for you Belle." She runs towards the entrance but Ricardo grabs her and picks her up "she isn't dead." Leticia laughs nervously and shakes her head "what? But you said?" He nods and takes a deep breath "I got it wrong. She is in a coma thought." Leticia grabs the bat and nods "good enough for me to hit her at least a few times?" Ricardo smiles and shakes his head "or you could come meet your god-daughter?" Leticia grins and drops the bat "what? She is here?" Ricardo nods and smiles "yeah she was born not that long ago." Leticia starts crying and hugs Ricardo "then let's go."

She gets onto her car and nods towards Carlos "get Abuelo home and I will get baby V ready and come over once she is settled?" Gloria nods and smiles "I will get the girl's ready." She gets back into the car and they drive off. Ricardo looks at Leticia and she nods towards Abbie "so what do we do about her?" Ricardo shrugs and smiles "we can deal with her after." He gets in the car and Leticia drives towards the hospital "let's go meet baby V." Leticia laughs nervously and nods "you still not got a name?" He smiles and shakes his head "Belle did but she didn't tell me so." He takes a deep breath and nods "I'm sure she will tell us when she wakes up?" Leticia rubs his arm and smiles "I'm know she will. She is the strongest girl I know." They get to the hospital and Ricardo spots the nurse from earlier "I'm sorry about that before." She shakes her head and smiles "It's fine. Are you ready to meet your daughter then?" He nods and she smiles "then follow me."

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