Chapter 1

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Note: This book will follow the events of Book 1. You need to read it first to be able to understand this one, especially the first chapters.

The day started as any other. Well...maybe not like usual. Usually I would drive myself and Juliet to school, but she had called and told me to go without her, that she would catch a ride with Casper instead.

I didn't find it weird. Casper was her Beta and they probably had something they needed to discuss. But I was worried about Juliet. Ever since the party she has been acting weird, and I know it's because of the guy that her father wants her to get married to but I also know that it's because of the mysterious stranger that she kissed. I mean it's about time that girl gets kissed into oblivion, but she certainly shouldn't be losing sleep over it.

I met up with her on the way to class.

"I see Casper managed to make sure you arrived to class on time today." I tease her "It's a nice change isn't it?"

"Ah ah" she fake laughs "I can arrive on time if I want, I simply choose not to. What's our first class anyway?"

"As ironically as it may be, we have first period free." I remind her "Mrs. Lavender finally took her maternity leave and the school hasn't been able to replace her yet."

"Do we know how long it will take to replace her?" Juliet asks "This close to the school's ending isn't really convenient to loose a teacher, especially when we are trying to graduate."

"I've been helping in the school's office this year and from what I heard there is a chance that we might get a new teacher by next week." I inform her

"I still don't understand why you would willingly volunteer to stay here even more hours after school." Juliet says dramatically

"It gives me extra credits" I tell her not making a big deal out of it

"You already have extra credits" she says "You participate in every activity that you can, and somehow you still pass all our exams with distinction and find the time to work in the school's office until late afternoon. How you find time to study I have no idea."

"I am great at multitasking" I respond smiling knowingly interlocking our arms together.

The truth is, I would do everything that I could to prevent spending much time at home. And Juliet knew that. My father died when I was 9 years old, and ever since then it has only been me and my mother. Claudia Renald had certainly not taken well with loosing her husband and having to take care of a 9 year old by herself. I think in her own way she did the best she could but I always felt as if I was unwanted.

Currently our relationship was more of strangers then family. And every once in a while when she does decide to take an interest in my life, we always end it up arguing and that just damages our relationship even more. It's better when we don't see each other at all. It hurts less.

Juliet was the only one who knew how bad things were between me and my mother. She was the only one who I confided about this. I may put on a strong face and pretend like my life is perfect and I have it all figured it out, but the truth is my life was a mess. Very far for perfect actually. Juliet was the only constant in my life I could count on. We met when we were four and we stuck together ever since.

I had a very easy personality, I get along with everybody, I never really had any trouble regarding that aspect, the problem was I was very closed off. Not that people immediately recognize it, after all this time I became quite good at diverting people's questions and distracting them without them even realizing it. So I got along with everybody, but I wasn't really friends with anybody. I was too damaged for that. I rather push people away then having them close to me and they end it up leaving. Eventually they all do. It's better that way.

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