Chapter 9

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"Oh...hi" I say a little surprised that he had actually sought me out. "So you saw that, huh?" I take a minute to check him out, he was wearing a white tank top that cling to his chest with sweat, probably from running around in the forest earlier. His hair was dishevelled as if he had run his hands through it a lot of times, making him look as if he had just gotten out of bed after long hours of passionate love making.

I clean my throat feeling suddenly dry out and try to focus back in the conversation and let this impure and traitorous thoughts go away.

"Well...technically no, but I did see the recording of the challenge. You did amazing out there, as I knew you would." he says kindly

"Well...none of that would have been possible without you...and the other instructors of course" I quickly add nervously towing with my hands. What is it about him that made me act this way?

"You already had all that potential inside of you, you just needed someone to help you let it all out."

"Still...I know I'm not warrior material but the fact that I can now defend myself? That brings me more comfort than any first prize could provide me." I admit and then I find the courage to flirt a little. I mean if the mean is going to walk around looking like a wet dream, then I am going to take the opportunity and respond somewhat accordingly. "And that's all to the moves you taught me. Feel free to teach me any more moves you would like."

I smirk at him and turn around walking away from him before he as a change to say anything or berate me for my inappropriate flirting. I turn around just for a few seconds to see if he was still there and yup, there he was looking at me go with a shocked look on his face, that an amused smile on his lips? I try not to giggle at his expression. Oh My Goddess he's so adorable.

Today made me feel as if I could conquer the world, like there is no evil that can bring our pack down, but just like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and that proved to be true in the days that followed.

Juliet disappeared.

Word from the Alpha was that she and a group of pack warriors went to check out hunters hide outs but I knew that couldn't be true. She would have at least told Casper that she was leaving but he didn't know about her whereabouts either. And then Romeo didn't show up at school either and that just made everyone even more suspicious. I was definitely worried about my friend, something didn't seem right about this all thing. I just hoped that she was alright and we were all worried for nothing.

But in other news, my mother was back. And no surprised there, she acted as if we had never argued in the first place, in fact she simply plain ignored me. I would have been offended if I didn't already expect it. I don't know why I even try anymore.

But today was different.

Today was supposed to be special.

Why?'s not every day a girl turns eighteen right? Happy Birthday to me I guess. The worst thing about today? Nobody knew it was my birthday. Only Juliet remembers, and she wasn't even here this year. So I'm just going to act as if today was just like any other normal day of the year. I doubt mother will remember so there is really no need to expect to celebrate it.

"Yes, hello Jeanine, as Mr. Pierce called yet? Good then make sure to pair him up with Carl, yes?" I hear my mother say to the phone as she places files on her briefcase. "I have a meeting with Ramond right now but I want you to keep me updated on the situation alright?" She walks right pass me without saying anything to me. As if I was invisible.

"Good morning mom" I tell her anyway. She may be a shitty mother, but I was raised with manners.

"Nadia, I'm on the phone" she reprehends me and then she grabs her car keys and walks out of the house, closing the door behind her.

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