Chapter 27

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*Warning: Mature scene in this chapter.

With only three days left to graduation, I had found myself against a brick wall. Unfortunately, it wasn't literal but metaphorical.

I rip the page of my notebook and toss it to the bin, completely missing it, making it fall to the floor where several other ripped pages stood. I groan in frustration. Why was this being so hard? This is just a speech! I have given and written several speeches and yet this one was the hardest of them all. Nothing I wrote ever felt right. I am just about ready to pull my hair out.

"You know your frustrations groans can be heard from down the hall?" Aidan asks walking into what I now designated as my classroom. This was my base office to handle all things about graduation, which by the way was coming out amazing.

"Don't laugh." I warn him

"Wouldn't dare." he reassures me leaning against my desk "Want to tell me what has you in such a state?"

I hesitate in telling him. For days he was been nothing but supportive and helpful, always making sure I ate and always finding ways to tease me and leave me flustered.

"It's my speech." I confess, hating that I was having such trouble with this.

"What about it?"

"I can't write it. Everything I write is awful, and I'm going to be remember as the girl who gave a crappy speech, and be humiliated for the rest of my life." I whine placing my notebook in front of my face, as if hiding already. "Juliet and Romeo should be the ones giving this speech, not me."

"I'm sure there is no reason to be so dramatic." he tries to reassures "Show me what you got by now."

I breathe out exasperated. I look at my notebook and read out loud "Good morning esteem faculty and families of my fellow graduates." I make a pause "That's it. That's all I got."

"Alright...Strong beginning, polite, it's good." he says serious "Why are you having such a problem with the rest?"

"Because...I want to...there is just...." I groan frustrated "See? I can't even explain it to you, much else write it!"

"Okay, I see what the problem here is." he says standing straight

"You do?"

"Yeah. You've been here for far too long. You need a distraction." he says pulling my arms so that I would get up.

"I still have so much to do, and I have to make sure that everything is being done right. I can't just leave." I protest even though it was very weak. I really could use a distraction.

"Everything is already set, and any last minute details Greta can take care of. You need to relieve some stress and I know just how to do it." he says grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him. And what a nice behind he had. I swear this last couple of days this man made my libido increased substantially. It was like I spent every hour of every minute picturing sex with him, which left me frustrated as hell, and having to take care of myself more times than I am used to. And the way he phrased those words, definitely got my libido going. Goddess! I definitely knew a way for him to release the stress from my body, and it involved him, naked. And a bed, or maybe even a tree. I was down for either.

He leads me into the woods, and then he starts stripping.

"What are you doing?" I ask my eyes fixed in his hard abs.

"I'm taking my clothes off." he says smirking. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

"I can see that." I can see that quite well. I just wanted to lick his abs. I could tell I was flushing. He took of his shoes next "Why?"

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