Chapter 11

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All weekend went by, where I confined myself to the walls of my house.

Maybe it's the coward in me not wanting to face the reality if his choice before I really have to, but I just wanted Aidan to have time to sort through his feelings (and possible break up with his girlfriend? Who knows, anything is possible at this point). So I stayed inside, and binged watched whatever was on Netflix at the time, because honestly? I was afraid of jumping his bones when I next see him and be faced with rejection and humiliation.

Yes, insecure Nadia has come back in full force during these two days, and she seemed to be here to stay.

When Monday finally came. I put on a nice pair of clothes and did my make-up just as I do every morning.

"You can do this." I tell myself as I look in the mirror "You are smart, beautiful, and any guy would be lucky to have you. Aidan knows that. We're mates. There is nothing to be worried about." I say trying my best to ease my nerves and look confident. Which was a total lie, but still...fake it till you make it, right?

Only things didn't go exactly as plan once I got to school. Every time I saw Aidan in the hall and tried to approach him he would suddenly have to be somewhere else, he barely even looked at me all day. Was I the only one who felt the pull of the bond? Did he not want me? Why was he avoiding me? Maybe he just didn't want to do this with so many students around us. Yes, that must be it. He knows I work Mondays in the administration's office. He must want to talk then.

I convince myself to wait and actually make myself pay attention to class and what the teachers are saying, even when one of the classes was his, and I had to sit through an all hour of being bombarded with his mouth-watering smell, and the longing for his touch, I behaved. Sure I may have stared a little, or a lot, depending on your definition. But I think he can give a girl a break okay? Because he certainly went out of his way to not look at me during the entire time. Even when I asked a question he would find a way to be staring at the boars or looking over some papers on his desk. It was really starting to annoy me, and my wolf wasn't finding it amusing either. We wanted our mate to look at us!

I finally managed to take my chance at the end of my shift when Principal Fallon went to the cafeteria, so she could stretch her legs while getting something to eat and Aidan showed up at the administration's office wanting to talk with her. Her being the Principal obviously.

"She's not here right now, she went to the cafeteria." I tell him. The first words exchanged between us today.

"I'll just put this on her desk then." he says quickly stepping into her office, clearly not wanting to risk staying in the same space as I for a longer than he had to. But you know what? I just about had enough of this. I follow him into the room and surprise him by shutting the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" he asks shocked at my action

"We have to talk, and you have been avoiding me. No more." I tell him with a force that transmitted more confidence than what I was actually feeling.

"Are you crazy? This is the Principal's office! What do you think she will think if she finds us here like this?" He asks trying to walk out of the door but I place myself against it so he would have to touch me to get it to open. And I know he wouldn't want to do that. His actions all day proved that much to me. But we were going to talk. He owned me as much.

"You should have thought about it before avoiding me all day." I respond serious

"Alright, what do you want to talk about?" he asks clearly frustrated

"You know dam well what I want to talk about Aidan." I reply trying my best not to let my temper get the best of me, or my nerves really. "We're mates."

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