Chapter 18

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"I just stated to Aidan that I have every intention on fighting for us, so I definitely need your help on how to make that happen." I tell Juliet as I barge into her room. I'm surprised to see a shirtless Romeo jump almost three feet away from Juliet, who was currently without a shirt, huh...definitely interrupted something.

"Knock Nadia!" Juliet yells grabbing her shirt and quickly putting it on.

"You ain't got nothing I've never seen and Romeo, darling, no offense but you can't hold a candle next to my man." I smirk watching him blush from being caught.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Juliet asks exasperated, getting up from her bed and passing Romeo his shirt.

"Hellooo? Did you not hear me speak? I need your help! You already got your man, now it's time for me to get mine!"

"I'm sorry, am I missing something?" Romeo asks confused

"Aidan Crawford. My mate. Totally doesn't want to be with me although he secretly wants too. Problem: has a girlfriend and is our teacher, but I already took care of that. There you're caught up. "I tell Romeo, giving him a very short, very simplified version of what's been happening. I sit on the bed frustrated and hold one of Juliet's pillows against me "Now, how do I make him forget about her and make him want me?"

"If he's your mate then he won't be able to resist." Romeo states arranging his hair in front of Juliet's mirror.

"Well he's clearly fighting it!" I yell "Juliet, please you're my only hope." I beg making my most persuasive puppy eyes at her.

"Well...Romeo does have a point." she says focused "No matter how much you try to fight against the bond, it's impossible to get rid of. It's always there. And it's always at his strongest when both parts are together."

"So I just need to keep close to him? That's going to take forever! He is too bloody stubborn!" I complain

"Well...not to be intrusive but...have you two ever...kissed?" Romeo asks uncomfortable

"" I answer trying not to blush.

"Well there you go. Kiss him. He won't be able to resist you then." Romeo says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Unfortunately I can't just walk up to him and kiss him!" I say exasperated.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Well....because...just because!" okay, I can't really think of a proper excuse. I mean would I like to just walk up to him and kiss him? Hell yes. But did I actually had the courage to do it? Hell no. And is it so bad that I wanted our first kiss to be special?

"That's not an answer." he scolds sitting next to Juliet. She punches him in the arm, scolding him.

"Are you afraid to get rejected?" Juliet asks kindly

"I..." I look away suddenly very interested on the pillow in my hands. "It's not exactly something to look forward to."

"Nadia..." Juliet tries to say but I don't really want to hear her reassurances.

"Look, even though he claims he doesn't feel anything, I know he does. The sexual attraction? It's there. It's impossible to deny it. What I want, is for him to see me as someone he would gladly spend the rest of his life with. I don't want him to feel forced to stay with me, or worse, with her, just because he wants to deny this with everything in his being." I confess "I want him to love me for who I am, not because his wolf has the hots for my body."

"That's not exactly how..." Romeo intervenes but Juliet knows best.

"Shut it." she scolds him again. She turns to me with a serious look in her eyes. "Here's the deal, we can't force Aidan to accept this mating, he has to come to that decision himself, but that doesn't mean we can't persuade him to our side. And here's the thing, Romeo is right, the second that you two kiss, the connection between you two will become almost impossible to resist, the two of us are the living proof of that." she says pointing at her and Romeo. "And Aidan definitely feels that pull, the day we were kidnapped? He ran to my father to help with your rescue, when he didn't listen to him, he joined a rebellious group, and went to look for you himself. Those are not the actions of a man who is uninterested."

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