Chapter 15.5

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"Why would you ask something like that to her?" I scold Avery once we were behind the close doors of my house. I remove my jacket and place it on the couch. Same thing with the tie.

"Are you really still upset about that?" Avery asks frustrated "It was an innocent question!"

"She just went to the worst traumatic experience of her life, and yet the next day you are already asking her if she was tortured. Don't you think you were a little bit insensitive?" I ask her pouring myself a glass of bourbon.

"I'm sorry." she says pouting "You know me. You know sometimes I say things without fully processing them before."

She wraps her arms around my neck but I find myself too...I don't know...too mad, too frustrated with her for making Nadia suffer like that.

"Forgive me?" she asks still pouting. Usually when she apologizes like this I am the first to give in and it usually ends up with us having sex and letting the matter go, but it wouldn't work this time. Not when I still hear Nadia screams in my head. My wolf was pushing me to go to her, to protect her, but she was with her mother. She wasn't alone. But is her mother taking care of her? Will she finally be there for her daughter? Hold her when she has nightmares, like I did? She fit perfectly against me, her body fit mine like it was meant to be. All night I stayed awake holding her, and easing her every time it seemed as if she would have a nightmare. It felt good taking care of her like that, protecting her even if it's just from her dreams.

"You're so stressed" Avery says kissing my neck and gently massaging my shoulders "I think I know exactly how to relax you." she says grinning seductively.

She moves her hands to my belt and starts unlocking it, but I grab her wrist preventing her from going any further.

"Not in the mood" I tell her finishing my drink and walking away from her.

"These last days it's like you're never in the mood." she says angry "You used to not be able to keep your hands off of me for more than a day, maybe two. Do you realise you've barely touched me at all this last few weeks? You always push me away when I try to initiate something, well I just had enough of your excuses!"

"So you're angry I don't pay attention to you for what? A week?" I yell back frustrated with this conversation.

"But it hasn't been just a week, has it? It all started when you met that...that tramp!" she yells "You even whispered her name in your sleep once, but I thought it was just an innocent thing, but it's not, is it? You want to fuck her, don't you? In fact, maybe you already did. Are you fucking her Aidan? Do you enjoy fucking your student? Is that what makes you hard these days? Being a pervert?"

"You shut your mouth!" I threatened her giving a threatening step towards her but she remained in place, not fearing me.

"You're not denying it" she provokes

"I'm not fucking anyone, much less a student, so whatever fantasy you have going on in your mind, you can drop it." I tell her

"I'm just trying to look after you baby." she says sweetly placing a gentle hand on my cheek. "I see the way she looks at you, she desires you. And you're not completely unaffected by her, are you? You desired her as well, probably even lust for her. And what would people say if they knew? What would they think? Do you really think they would blame her? No. They would go after you. And that would be the end of everything you fought to achieve."

I hate how much she was right. Everything she said it's nothing I haven't thought of before.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I tell her not so angry but still very much frustrated, both emotionally and sexually.

"Then prove it to me." she tells me slowly placing her hands on my face and leaning it towards her "I love you baby. Show me how much you love me."

She kisses me and I find myself kissing her back. Deep down I know she is not who I wanted but she was who I could have. And I love her...I know I do, don't I? I kiss her forcefully and she moans in delight.

"You're mine" she says possessively biting my lower lip and then she kisses me again and I let myself fall into her web of temptation.

This is just a small chapter (therefor it's named 15.5 instead of 16), just so you can have an idea of how the relationship between Aidan and Avery works. She is very manipulative and uses her body and his guilt to get him to cooperate and not having him leave her.

Next chapter will be up soon.

Please VOTE and COMMENT! Tell me your thoughts on the relationship between Avery and Aidan. What do you think about Avery?

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