Chapter 16

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It takes Juliet three days to come visit instead of two, not that I blame her. If I had been dead and came back to life, I think I would want to take some time to adjust to the world again. But she did call, it was a brief talk, but just being able to hear her voice was enough for me.

But nothing compared to seeing her face to face.

"Do not ever do that to me again!" I tell her hugging her tightly against me "I had to go to your bloody funeral." I complain

"At least you got to dress up nice" she jokes hugging me back.

"Not the point." I respond. Although yeah, I did look fabulous if I do say myself.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Nadia." she simply says and I know she means it.

I finally allow her to step inside into the foyer and take her to my bedroom where we could talk without being heard. Mom has unusually kept to the house these last few days.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her as we sit in the bed, still holding on to one of her hands. Perhaps as a reassurance that she was really here.

"I'm okay. Fine, really." she guarantees me "It's like nothing even happened."

I look at her chest, where I know that she had stabbed herself. She noticed me looking. She pulls up her shirt so I can see it. There, where her heart is looking, is a scar. One in the shape a knife wound would look like.

"This stayed. Romeo's too." she explains lowering the shirt "We think it's a reminder, of the sacrifices made to bring us to where we are today." she says with sad eyes, thinking about the people who made the ultimate sacrifice for their happiness.

"They wanted to do this." I tell her sympathising with her pain. I know that she cared very much for the woman she had come to call Nana. "Joanna and Mickail wanted both of you to have the opportunity to live the life they never had the opportunity to had."

"I know." she says sad but resigned "At least they are together now. Just as they always wanted."

"And so are you and Romeo." I tease her noticing the very intriguing mating mark on her shoulder.

Juliet blushes.

I squeal in delight.

"I am so happy for you." I confess squeezing her hand.

"I don't think I have ever been happier." she confesses smiling with adoration. Even a blind person could tell how much this woman loves her man. "A life without him...I could never do it."

"I don't know if I would have the courage to do what you did." I admit thinking about my own mating or lack of in this case.

"The bond me and Romeo share is there's a piece of him inside of me, right here in my soul" she tries to explain placing her other hand in her chest "Life without would mean nothing. I welcomed death with open arms just to be with him again, and I would do it again if the situation presented herself." she pauses taking a long glance at me "But I guess you more than anyone else must have an idea of what I'm talking about."

"I'm not so sure about that." I respond thinking of the way Aidan doesn't seem to want to be with me like I want to be with him "I think the Goddess might have made a mistake with me."

"Why would you say that?" Juliet asks confused "You never did get to tell me who your mate was. Do I know him? His he from our pack?"

I take a few breaths before I answer her. In way this was a sensitive and somewhat painful topic for me.

"You know him." I tell her quietly not daring to look her in the eyes because I may lose the nerve to continue. "He was away from the pack for a while until recently, when he came back for a teaching position at our school."

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