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A man walks through an ill light hallway. In his hands there is a sealed envelope. He walks straight, never stopping, never talking with anyone. He is a man on mission.

He stops in front of a closed door. On it, it could be read in gold letters the name Harrold Johnson. He knocks. A male voice is heard on the other side of the door. "Come in" he says. He does.

He closes the door behind him and stops in front of a desk. Behind that desk sat a man. He was a middle aged man, nothing unusual about him, except the large scar that ran from his forehead, through his left eye, and ended in the middle of his cheek. Maps and files were scattered around in front of him, a cigar lingered from his lips.

"I asked not to be disturbed." he says. His voice rough and commanding.

"This just arrived from one of our spies sir." the man said "It's information regarding the men and women who were taken prisoners by the beasts."

The man behind the desk, who was clearly in charge, extends his hand demanding silently to see the envelope. He opens it and reads it carefully.

"It appears our men are being moved." he says

"That's good news." the younger man says, but then he thinks again when he sees the look on the other man's face. "Isn't it, sir?"

He doesn't respond.

"According to this information, they will be moved in two days time, and transported to the Royal Pack."

"I'll put together a team sir."


"No, sir?" the younger man asks surprised.

"Get me Rollins on the phone." he commands

"Rollins, sir?"

"Are you deaf? Yes! Rollins!" he yells clearly frustrated with the younger man.

"But sir... aren't we going to rescue them?" the younger man insists

"A rescue mission is suicide against the lot of them. They knew what they sign up for." he explains "It's a necessary sacrifice. We can't allow the wolves to find out about our plans."

"But sir...your daughter is one of the prisoners."

He takes a smoke of his cigar.

"My daughter is already dead. Now get me Rollins before I decide that you are a needed sacrifice as well!" he yells sending the man rushing away. "I will not allow anyone to compromise what I build."

That's it! That's the Epilogue!

It's short, I know, but it's a little preview into the next book of the series. It's going to be called "Star-Crossed Enemies".

I hope I got you interested enough for you to consider reading it. Now all I have to do is get to writing it.

Please VOTE and COMMENT! And hopefully I will be back soon, with news of a new book.

Kisses <3

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