Chapter 20

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Aidan's POV

*Warning: Mature scene and language in this chapter.

I get home and I poor myself a glass of scotch.

I sit down on the couch and rub my eyes, then I gulp down the entire drink in my hand, letting the alcohol numb the feelings stirring inside my chest.

"Fuck" I curse closing my eyes. Not that it helps. Even with my eyes closed, her face continues to be the only thing on my mind.

"I, Nadia Renald, reject you, Aidan Crawford, to be my mate."

The second the words left her mouth, I could feel my wolf screaming in agony. You can imagine how that felt. I should be happy with her rejection. This was what I wanted, wasn't it? I groan and poor myself another drink.

What happened today was...unlike anything I have ever felt before. I could still see it, Nadia in the throes of passion, her moans, the way she let herself completely go, her claws piercing my back when she lost the grip of her control of her wolf. I could feel myself harden with the memories. I gulp down the drink, emptying in one go. When was the last time I felt like this? Not even with Avery I had ever felt like this. Was it the bond that made it like that? Did I just make a great mistake? Should I have listened to her and given us a shot?

"So I want to fuck you, that doesn't mean I want to mate you!"

Fuck. Why the hell did I have to say something like that? I was such a jerk, no wonder she decided to reject me.

"You are nothing but a selfish coward. I wanted to give you everything. I was ready to fight for you until you came to realise that the Moon Goddess put us together for a reason, but I don't even care about that right now."

Was she right? Was I a coward for not fighting for us? For taking the easy way out? Was this what I was doing? Taking the easy way out? No. I love Avery. We've been together for almost a year. I love her, and she loves me. A flash of Nadia's teary face comes to mind.

"Fuck!" I yell out throwing the glass against the wall, making it shatter completely.

"Aidan! What are you doing?" I hear Avery ask as she enters the house. I don't respond, I just rub my face wanting to somehow clear my thoughts.

"Baby are you okay?" Avery asks placing her hand on my shoulder, but I feel revolted by her touch. I get up removing her hand from my body.

"Aidan? Did something bad happen?" she asks coming closer.

"I don't want to talk about it." I respond brutally grabbing another glass. Perhaps I just needed to get drunk, maybe that would help me.

"You're clearly very stressed out." she says placing her hands on my shoulders.

I tense up immediately. This is my girlfriend, I repeat to myself. You welcome her touch, not feel revolted by it. She starts massaging my shoulders and placing kisses on my shoulder and neck trying to relax me, but it was doing the complete opposite. Now that I knew her touch, Nadia's touch, Avery's felt like a betrayal. It felt wrong.

"Perhaps I could help you relax" she suggests in my hear as her hand goes around my waist and down. I grab her hand before she gets to where she intends to go.

"No." I decline stepping away from her.

"No?" she asks surprised and perhaps even a little annoyed. "You never refuse sex."

"I do now." I respond annoyed.

"No, you take out your frustrations with sex." she says coming closer and moving her hands up my chest "You like to fuck me hard, be in complete control, and I love it. We both do." she whispers in my hear. Her hands move to my belt and she starts to unbuckling it. "I'm gonna make you feel good baby, just like I always do." she says going down on her knees.

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