Chapter 31

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*Warning: Mature scene.

My mother was thankfully out of town. She postponed several meetings with clients to watch over me while I was committed to my life as a party girl, and now that she saw I was better and my relationship with Aidan was going well, she couldn't hold off traveling for much longer, There is only so much she could do while working from home.

We went to Aidan's apartment.

"Hey, you okay?" Aidan asks me hugging me from behind when we were behind the safe doors of his home. I place my hands in his arms and lean back enjoying his comfort. He places a kiss on my shoulder snuggling his face in my collarbone and taking a deep breath in, finally properly relaxing. His wolf felt better now that she was in his territory.

"I should be asking you that." I respond turning around so I could wrap my arms around him. "I wasn't the one who almost had my arm ripped off."

"What, this?" he says casually "This is nothing."

"Huh huh, sure it isn't, tough guy." I respond sarcastically

"But I'm your tough guy" he teases.

I smile happy to hear him say those words.

"You sure are." I agree kissing him softly. I don't know what it was, if it was the fact that we both just survived an attack of rogues, or maybe it was the fact that I could have lost him to that rogue, but I suddenly found myself desiring him fervently. I want him. I want to feel him in me. Alive. Strong. And all mine. "Take me to bed." I tell him.

He hesitates for a moment, probably considering our injuries, but I don't give him enough time to come up with an excuse. I step away from him and take off my shirt and bra. He stands there frozen, his eyes fixed on my body.

"Nadia we shouldn't..." he starts saying but he stops when I remove my pants leaving me only in my panties. I could tell he wanted me. His body was definitely reacting to my naked body, it was only his mind that had to give in. I like seeing him this way. It made me feel powerful. Adored even. I take a few steps back, walking to where his room was. I smirk cheekily at him entering his room and then removing my panties. I throw them to his living room, where he was still standing and then I lay right in the centre of the bed.

I counted two seconds before he came running to the bedroom, his shirt already off his chest. His eyes were flashing with his wolf when he moved on top of me and kissed me breathless. I kissed him back just as passionately, paying just enough attention to be careful with his shoulder. He starts trailing kisses down my throat and then my chest, until his lips find my nipple and then he bites.

"Aidan!" I yell when a jolt of pain and pleasure went through my body. I pull at his hair so that he would come back and kiss me. He complies and this time our kiss is softer, playful. We kissed for several minutes, just taking in one another, our hands wandered through our bodies, feeling one another, pulling each other closer to one another. I gently push against him, wanting to try another position. He gets what I want and he carefully rolls us over, allowing me the freedom of being on top. His hands kept a possessive grip on my lips.

I just stay still for a minute, just enjoying the sight of having him beneath me.

"Planning on doing something while you're there?" he asks teasing me

I just smile teasingly at him. Oh the possibilities...

I lean in and start kissing his chest. He lets me explore all I want, never once protesting, even when I bit his nipple in retribution and he hissed, he didn't stop me. It was only when I started kissing my way down his body, that he felt the need to halt my movements.

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