Chapter 17

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"Mom?" I ask my mom that same night as we were eating dinner together. Yeah...she keeps surprising me with actions like these, but I keep wondering how long it's going to last.

"Yes honey?" she asks putting her fork down so I could have all of her undivided attention.

"I think I need to see a shrink." I tell her quickly before losing the courage and the nerve.

She doesn't say anything for a minute, she just stares at me, and then she nods her head agreeing with me.


"That's it?" I ask surprised

"Do you need me to say anything else?" she asks arching her eyebrow.

"Uh...I don't know. Aren't you suppose to make more questions? Or argue with me about it, or something?"

 I really didn't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it.

"Nadia, I've been hearing you scream yourself awake for the past few nights. Yes, I know about those." she adds seeing my surprised face "You barely eat, you have bags under your eyes and occasionally, when you're not expecting it, you are startled by the simple sound of water being turned on. I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to this decision." she explains calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me anything sooner?"

"Because it had to your choice honey. I couldn't force you into anything."

Oh...okay. That made sense.

"What happens now then?"

"Now you go to see Dr. Marshall tomorrow at 10 a.m.. I already made you an appointment." she says surprising me.

"How did you..."

"Please Nadia, no matter my faults I raised a smart, independent, young woman. I knew you would do the right thing for you sooner rather than later. It was only a matter of time."

Of course Nadia would never know that her mother had made an appointment for her every day of the week, hoping she would come to her about this, and wanting to be prepared for when it happened.

"Thank you mom" I tell her shyly, I'm not used to having her, or anyone really, taking care of me.

It felt nice.

I was a little nervous about going to see a therapist. A part of me just wanted to go back and stay inside my house, but the other part of me wants to be free again. To go back to normal, to how everything was before the hunters. I wanted to move forwards with my life, and I couldn't do that with this weight I carried on my back.

It turns out Dr. Marshall was a she. She was very nice and she let me go at my own pace, never forcing me to speak about things I didn't want to, or wasn't ready to talk about yet. She gave some good advices of how to deal with my night terrors. Pills didn't work much on werewolves so she wanted me to try to sleep on my own without the aid of specialized medicine made specifically for wolves.

Once it ended, instead of going home I decided to take a walk through the city's park. To breathe in a little of that fresh air. I would have to turn soon and let my wolf out. I've been avoiding it for days now but soon...I would do it soon, I promise to myself. I'm not going to let them cripple me.

I sit in a bench just looking at the people walk around minding their business. The town had made several changes the last couple of days. All humans associated to the hunters, or that were unable to live with werewolves, left the city, only few remained. Those who proved to be loyal, and were okay with sharing their town with beasts like us were allowed to stay. Lupus city was now truly a werewolf city. We were done hiding.

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