Chapter 3

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I never taught I would ever be back here.

I returned to Lupus City 3 months ago, after spending some time away finishing my college degree and an internship in one of the most prestige school's in the continent. So why return now? It's simple...I missed this place. I missed the pack.

Usually wolves don't stray far from the pack. We are creatures of numbers, we like to run in pack, never alone, but I wanted to go to college and thankfully the Alpha allowed me to go. At first it was hard, I struggle enough with the separation, but then I met other wolves like me, that were far from their pack and we all joined together and for our own improvised family. A support system of a sort so we wouldn't suffer so much and it had helped.

Now I had a teaching degree and I was ready to start exercising it. The only problem was that there was no teaching position for me to fill in, so technically I couldn't work the degree I had busted my ass for the last years of my life.

I found a temporary job as a kick box teacher, the only other activity that had been my passion besides teaching. My girlfriend Avery supported me the best way she knew how, we had been together for 9 months now. We had met in the city where I was taking my internship. She was working for a marketing company that had just taken a job there and we immediately hit if off, much as you can count a one night stand hit it off. Like I said, wolves are creatures of contact, of touch and I was tense from the internship and she offered me the best way to relief it. We kept seeing each other after that, at first it was just sex, really good sex, but after a while we decided to give us a shot and we have been together ever since. When I told her I wanted to come back to the pack, she packed her bags and told me she would come with me.

After Alpha Damian allowed her as a member of our pack, she found an apartment to live in and in just a short amount of time found a job in her area of expertise. It was all working out well for us.

Unexpectedly I received a call from the local school asking me if I was available to fill in as a History substitute teacher to which I had immediately said yes. That is what led me here today, walking these halls brought some nostalgia in me but also filled me with pride. I did it. I had made something of myself and now at 26 I was finally achieving my dreams.

I was coming in today to get all the details that were left unsaid and pick up a few things I was going to need if I was starting teaching very soon. What I did not expected was to be greeted by a blond angel sitting behind the desk. She had long blond air cascading down her back that framed her face in the most loving way and her green eyes seem to see right into you. But the other thing I couldn't help noticing was that she was young. Much younger than me.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" she asks me after a few seconds.

"Hi..." I say a little confused. "Aren't you too young to work here?"

She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Aren't you too old to be a student?"

I laugh at her response. I was certainly not expecting that come back.

"I'm Aidan Crawford" I introduce myself giving her my hand to shake "The new substitute teacher"

She shakes my hand. I couldn't help but notice how my hand seem to swallow her delicate ones. "You teach History?" she asks with a sense of doubt in her eyes.

"Yes I do" I confirm. I was used to people not believing them when I told them what I did for a living...or trying to live by as it turns out.

"Funny...I never would have guessed" she comments looking intrigued

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask her teasing her a bit

"I guess it will depend on how well you teach." she answers giving me a smirk.

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