Chapter 5

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I didn't see my mother again that day. When I finally decided to go home she had locked herself in her bedroom and I didn't had the energy to talk to her about what happened.

I lay in bed contemplating everything that had happened that day, meeting Adrian, the fight with my mother and then there was the talk I had with's curious how I shared what happened with him. I don't usually open up, much less with people I met less than 24 hours ago, so why did I felt so safe in confiding in him? What was it about him that intrigued me so? It couldn't be because I had a crush on him, I am not that shallow. I had crushes before and none ever made me feel the way it felt with him. Maybe it was because he was older? A forbidden fruit? Was that what called to me? This was definitely going to be an interesting year if I don't find a way to get over this crush anytime soon. I wonder if he has a girlfriend? He's definitely not mated with anyone, I would have sensed it if he was.

I shake my head trying to get myself to stop thinking about this things. I only met him today and already this man was making my head spin. I lay in the quiet of the room and I focus on the sounds of the wind passing through the trees, that always manages to sooth me. I hear a door opening inside the house and light steps echoing in the silence. They stop in front of my door, I stare at it as I hold my breath. Is she coming in? Is she here to apologize? Will she show me she cares? She stands still for a minute, I hear her inhale and exhale a few times, sometimes I could almost swear I see the doorknob turning slightly, but the door never opens. She goes back to her room and I close my eyes trying to keep the traitorous tears from falling. I did enough crying today, she does not deserves another tear from me, she had enough of them today.

When the sun comes up, I force myself to leave the bed. Most of the night was spent rolling around in it, never getting any proper sleep. But for the sake of appearances I put on a dress, apply my make-up and force a smile on my face until it doesn't feel forced anymore. I will never let anyone know how broken I actually am. To everyone I will be the strong bubbly friend, always loving and caring but never actually getting the love herself. No one will see me vulnerable.

Elaine's attack was all people talked about in school.

I had to pull Juliet aside for a moment so I could get all the details from her, because if there was an attack she definitely knew what is was about. She explained the situation but didn't elaborate much on her plan to stop it. She said she is working on something but that she couldn't share what it was yet. I felt a little hurt that she wouldn't confide in me but I understand her point of view, at the end of the day she is the Alpha's daughter and I am a mere pack mate. If she says she can't share anything with me yet then I believe her, I don't like it, but I understand it. I know she will tell me what is going on when she can. There is no one I trust more than in her.

When classes end, Juliet and Casper leave to go solve some pack issues and I am left to my own devices. I had no extracurricular activities today and none of the teachers gave us any homework.

I make my way home dreading the thought that I would have to talk with my mother today. I really wasn't looking forward to that, but apparently all my fears were for nothing.

"Mom?" I call out when I got home but I got no answer "Mom are you home?"

I walk to the kitchen and notice a post it note on the fridge's door.

"Nadia I had to go on a business trip. I'll be back next week. There is money in the counter for groceries. Mom."

"Really?" I ask out loud not believing this was actually happening. We just had a major fight last night and now she goes away for a week without even trying to reach out first? I hate that she does this to me. Why do I feel so forgotten?

I crush the post it note on my hand and throw it in the trash. I don't even know why I even try. It's just one heartbreak after the other. Feeling angry and frustrated and with the need to smash something. I decide to release my pent up anger in a safe way. I change my clothes to a work out clothes, then I put on my headphones with loud music playing in them and I leave the house.

I let myself get absorbed by the music and it's rhythm as I run. I push myself harder than I usually do trying to burn out all the anger and disappointment I felt trough my mother. It didn't really work but it sure did leave me breathless and sore at the end of the track. Unfortunately for me now I had to make the same path again to get home, I just wasn't sure if my legs could support my weight for much longer.

I look around but at this time of the day people were on their way home or already there eating their dinners. Time sure did pass fast.

"Shit" I curse still trying to catch my breath. Werewolf or not I really need to start doing more cardio. I had zero stamina.

"Hey"  I hear what is now a familiar voice say from the street. More specifically from inside a car. "You okay? You look a bit lost."

"You know...if I didn't know better I would say you were stalking me" I can't help but tease when I see the owner of the voice.

"Maybe you should know better" he answers back "I am known to bite"

I can't help but flush surprised at what he said. I was so not expecting that. And now I can't help but think exactly where he would bite and the place I had in mind was definitely too erotic to be having while he was standing so close to me. Or having at all considering he's my new teacher. He seems to be surprised at his own words and immediately tries to change the topic.

"Do you need a ride home?"

My first instinct is to decline but then I remember that I don't really have the energy to get home on my own, so I nod and get in the car with him.

The car smells of him and I can't help but discretely take full breaths of it. Somehow all the anxiety I had been feeling during the day seems to disappear and I find myself relaxing against the car seat.

"So what to tell me why you were trying to tire yourself to the grave?" he asks after I tell him where I live.

"I wasn't doing that. I had everything under control" I lied

"Your breathing is all over the place and your heart rate was abnormal for a normal run" he says stating the facts "You were trying to run from something"

"I don't see how that's any of your business" I state frustrated

"It's not" he says calmly "But I am here if you want to talk. I know we don't know each other well but we're pack."

And pack always has each other backs, I recite in my mind. I don't say anything for a few minutes and he says quiet as well.

" I'm angry at my mother" I find myself telling him

"Did she hit you again?" He asks and I notice his hands tightening around the wheel.

"No. For that to happen we would have to be in the same room." I inform him "She left a note on the counter when I got home today. Hey Nadia, I'll be back next week here's some food for groceries."

"She left?"

"Yup" I confirm sarcastically "Mother of the freaking year"

"Listen...what she did, it wasn't okay but maybe this is her way of dealing with things." he defends her "I'm not saying it's right! " he arguments when he sees me ready do complain "But maybe it's the only way she knows how to do things. I am positive that she must be feeling awful about your argument."

"Wouldn't that be something?" I whisper turning my head to stare out the window at the passing trees.

He parks the car in front of my house. It takes a couple of second for my brain to work out that I needed to move.

"Hey..." he says, his hand on my leg "Will you be okay?" he asks worried

"I always am" I say smiling sadly. I get up instantly missing the heat from his hand on my leg. "Ohh..." I call out before shutting the car door "Your first class tomorrow...word of warning, don't sit down." I finish with a wink and close the door rushing to get inside the house.

Maybe going for a run did make me feel better.


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