Chapter 7

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Aidan's POV

*There is going to be a some what steamy scene with sexual language in this chapter so be warned. It involves a student/teacher fantasy so if you are not confortable about the topic, well...first of all you're in the wrong book, but I'll warn you when it happens so you can skip ahead if you wish it.

This last week went by faster than I thought it would. Between classes and training there was very little time where I could relax, and I'm grateful for it. I hate standing still for too long, I'm always looking for something to do, that's why I trained so much before. It's like I can keep my body to sit still for a long period of time.

Avery complains about it a lot, and I did try my best to cut down and spend more time relaxing with her, but that just makes my wolf fell agitated.

I finally taught Nadia's class. She surprised me with her interactions in class, her insight in a lot of pivotal historical moments trough time were refreshing and made you consider aspects that normally nobody points out. I already look forward to our interactions, whether they may be in the classroom or in the school's administration's office where she works every now and then.

Every time I walk through those doors she always greets me with this radiant smile, as if she is really happy to see me, and a deep part inside of me admits that my heart skips a bit every time she does that. Her smile was one of her best features, it could light up a whole room, and warm even the coldest of hearts, but as I spend time with her I realize that it's more than that. She's smart. As in really smart. I have a feeling that she could have graduated already if she wanted too. And the way she always goes that extra length to help someone, that just infatuates what a big heart she has. How generous and caring she is. Every time we are in training with her group, she is one of the most determinate people in the room, not the best, definitely not the strongest, but she puts all of her in her work, it's a wonder to watch.

I haven't realized how much of an impact she had on me when I was having dinner with Avery one night and she calls me out on my fascination.

"If I didn't know better I would start feeling threatened by that girl." she comments

"What do you mean?" I ask her as I raise the fork full of food to my mouth chewing it slowly.

"The way you talk about her, it almost sounds as if you're already half in love with her or something."

"Don't be ridiculous" I argue "She's my student...not to mention underage."

"I know." she says "Just saying the way you talk about she's special."

"She's not special, she's just...unexpected that's all." I reply

"So you don't have a kinky student/teacher fantasy?" she asks teasing me

"Definitely not"


"Now we can't have that now can we professor?" she asks raising her leg and slowly running it through my leg, her feet very close to my already growing cock. "I've been such a bad girl lately, I may need detention."

I lean back in my chair surrending myself to the sensation she provokes in me.

"And what exactly was your crime?" I ask playing along to the fantasy

"I seduced my teacher" she replies "He was so handsome and so charming I just wanted him to notice me." she says getting up and slowly sitting in my lap, her hands caress my chest, and she leans in so her mouth lingers next to my ear. Her breath sent chills trough my body.

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