Chapter 28

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*Warning: Mature scene.

I feel myself almost dozing off while he played with strands of my hair.

After our rendezvous in the forest, we just lye there. Him beneath me, while he held me. Both just enjoying the feel of each other, not even caring that we were as naked as the day we were born. I raise my head, placing my chin in his chest and just look at his face. I raise my hand and delicately I brush some wild strands of his hair away from his face. He looks at me, with an expression that was almost...adoration? Love?

"What are you thinking?" he asks me breaking the silence

"I'm thinking...that I've never felt happier in my life." I confess. It's a little cheesy, but this man just made me cum numerous times, and my brain was a little mushy, so I think I can excuse myself for being a little cheesy.

He smiles and kisses me softly.

"Me too." he says never losing his smile. "But as much as I don't want to go, your curfew is coming close, and I need to get you home." he says with sorrow.

"Nooooo!" I whine, holding him tight. I didn't want to go. I was afraid this was all a dream, and I didn't want to wake up. "Can't we just stay here?"

He chuckles and then he moves turning us around, so that I'm the one lying on the forest floor and he is the one on top of me.

"If this is your way of convincing me to go, I'm afraid to tell you that you're going about it the wrong way." I tell him cheekily, raising my head so I could kiss his strong jaw.

"Minx" he says kissing me deep.

We stayed like that for a few minutes just exchanging kisses, but unfortunately he had to be the responsible one and end it before we could get carried away.

"You're no fun." I tell him letting him help me to my feet.

"That's not what you said before." he whispers in my ear and then he bites my earlobe sending shivers down my spine.

"Tease" I accuse him watching him pick up his pants. I search for my disposed bra and panties, and end it up finding them in unusual places, at least one part of it, my panties had completely evaporated, I had no idea where they could be. My bra was standing on a branch of a tree actually. Makes me wonder how exactly he managed to get it over there. I manage to retrieve it but decide against putting it on. It would be weird to walk around just in my bra, while completely bare anywhere else.

"Well that decides it. I'm transforming." I say out loud. At least until we reached the place where we left our clothes. I turn to look at Aidan and watch him making his way to me, completely butt naked. I can feel the lust settling in again, just by watching him. By the Goddess, it's almost like we didn't just have crazy wild sex in the forest. Really good, out of this world, crazy hot, wild sex in the forest. How could I want him again so soon after I just had him? Would it always be like this?

"You need to stop looking at me like that, before we both do something we don't have time for." he threatens. I could tell I wasn't the only one reacting to our lust. His member was already hard and ready to go again.

"You won't hear me complain." I tell him licking my lips, feeling them dry.

He pulls me close and pushes me against a near tree. One hand holds my neck the other my waist. His member pocking at my stomach.

"Next time I have you, it will be in a place, where I can be slow and tender and where I can take my time with you and lick every inch of your beautiful skin." he promises in my ear, making moan at the mental picture he just sent me.

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