Chapter 8

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Nadia's POV

(The GIF above is our dear Nadia secrets thoughts about our new substitute teacher. And seriously...who can blame her?)

Oh My Goddess I can't believe I actually asked him if he had any more moves he would like to show me.

It's been two days. Two days, since that episode with Aidan and I've been mortified since then.

Goddess I'm such an embarassment! Now he definitely knows that I have a crush on him and totally want to lick his rock solid abs, and now he will think I am just a silly teenager with an infatuation who just needs to grow the hell up. Or worse he'll think I am slut, which I am definitely not. Fine, I admit, I might have a slight crush. Fine...maybe not just a slight crush, a huge crush, but I mean can you blame me? Have you looked at the guy? He's mouth dropping gorgeous, a history geek with a brain that fascinates me, his smile is panty dropping, not to mention he is built like a Greek God and I am his humble servant ready to please in any way he wants.

Preferably horizontally.

It doesn't even have to be in a bed.

Yup, I'm definitely screwed. And not even the best kind.

Because obviously a guy like him, definitely came with an arm candy in his arm. And this one was attached with a 5"8 long legged gorgeous brunette woman, who ignited feelings in me that I had never felt before. And not the good kind of feelings either, more like I want to rip your face off kind of feelings. Totally normal, right? Sure let's go with that.

I finally managed to catch up with Juliet. I felt so guilty when I found out she had been shot and I didn't even know about it. I mean sure she had her sweet Romeo next to her, who somehow also managed to get injected with silver, but still I was her best friend, it would have been nice to have been told. Unfortunately, her being shot caused her father to bring back Dax, Juliet's obnoxious fiancé. He had just arrived and already he his arrogance was infecting our halls.

I find her close to where we were going to have our next class. She was staring at a group of girls surrounding Dax, her obnoxious fiancé. All the girls, both human and werewolves, seemed eager to drop their panties and spread their legs at his command. He was obviously loving all the attention. Pathetic really.

"Why do guys who look the hottest, act the dumbest?" I suddenly ask appearing next to her making my presence known.

"Because they think with their lower head and not with their brains" Juliet responds, her lips involuntary lifting. Nice to know I can still lift her spirits.

"Haven't seen you in a while" she comments giving me her entire attention

"Oh you know...I've been busy with training and all" I tell her not wanting to talk much about it. If I talk about it then I will remember how his body felt underneath mine, and the feel of his hand as he placed a loose curl behind my ear. I shiver just from thinking about it.

"You've been really into the training experience" she comments trying to fish some information out "I'm surprised, I remember it was not long ago, that you used to say how you would die before we ever see you working a sweat willingly."

"Oh... you know with everything that has been going on, and all this talk about unity, I figured I give it a shot." I say trying to ask as casual as possible, as if it wasn't such a big deal.

"Good for you" she replies linking my arm with hers "Want to go grab a snack?"

"Hasn't Romeo been gifting you with enough snacks to satisfy you?" I tease, glad that she had changed the subject. She pushes me playfully smiling at my statement. It was good to tease each other like this, we haven't really done it in a while.

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