Chapter 32

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I spend the next hours telling Aidan everything Avery told me, and I was right. He did blamed himself. He blame himself a lot for bringing her into the pack. He blamed himself for my kidnapping, for the rogue attack, for failing to see who she really was and prevent so much pain between the two of us. And I could feel it all inside me, all his guilt. This bond connects us in a way so deep, it was like a breathed him with each breath I took.

I comfort him as best as I could, but I knew it wouldn't do much good. Only time could make the guilt fade away. But I would make sure to be there for him when the guilt became too much, and remind him that, no matter what is actions were, he still brought so much light and happiness to my life.

Juliet called and told us that she needed me and Aidan to come by the pack house. When we got there we saw that it was not only Juliet that we would be meeting, but Romeo, her father and Romeo's father. I guess since the Beta's are out of town, the previous Alphas were lending a helping hand.

"So Aidan..." Juliet starts after we made polite conversation with everyone "...I understand that it was you who made the requested for Avery to be let in the pack?" she asks looking at the paperwork in front of her.

"Yes, that's right." he says serious.

"And how long did you know Avery for?" she asks

"Nine months give or take." he answers calmly

"And where did the two of you met?"

"At a club. It was in my last year of college before getting my teaching licence. I went out with some friends and we hit it off right away." he explains

"Meaning they banged in the bathroom." I add

Aidan looks at me with scolding eyes. I just gave him my "What? It's the truth!" look. I can see Juliet fighting the will to smile.

"And never once did you notice she smelled like a rogue?" Juliet continues

"It was like I first said. We were in a club, and after a couple of drinks, all the smells just...kind of blend in together. I'm sure you know what that's like." he adds "But no, I didn't notice she smelled like a rogue."

"She was probably already wearing the perfume that the hunters invented." I say out loud defending him "I imagine it's hard to smell it when your sober, much less when you're drunk and in a room filled with a hundred of different smells."

"No one's blaming anyone Nadia. We are just trying to get to the bottom of this." Romeo says calmly

I feel Aidan taking my hand and squeezing it reassuringly. I calm down a bit.

"Although it is interesting that she targeted you." he says "Do you have any idea why?"

"Well it's quite obvious..." I scoff. Please, didn't this people ever see a soap opera? Everybody just looks at me waiting for me to continue.

"Please do elaborate, Miss Renald." Juliet's father speaks with a self-healing tone, which was not missed by his daughter, who gave him quite the stinky eye.

"He's alone, without pack. Hasn't been with his own kind for a while, and... well...wolves have needs. It's not natural for us to be alone, we always run in pack." I tell them "So, no offense baby, but a man like that it's easy to be seduced. Next thing you know she's moving into your apartment, stealing all your shirts, all for the promise of good sex and company."

Nobody says anything when I take a break to see if they are all following my line of thinking.

"And well...I might be far fetching here but Avery did mention that for the smell of rogue to actually go unnoticeable she needed something else, something that she found with you. Saying and I quote "he was the most pleasurable assignment I have ever had" following a deep discussing of your talents with your tongue..."

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