Chapter 26

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After a waking call like that, I was in a very good mood when I made my way to the kitchen. I was humming a song to myself as I make coffee and eggs.

"Good morning." my mother says taking a cup of coffee for herself. The Renald women don't function before having their morning coffee. "You're awfully chipper this morning." she comments looking at me.

"Am I? I guess I just woke up on the right side of bed today. It is a beautiful day outside, don't you think?" I ask her preparing both our plates.

"Hm Hm" she hums in agrement. "So there is no special reason for this sudden happiness?"

"Would you rather I remain sad?" I ask her placing the plate in front of her.

"Of course not honey. I like seeing you this way." she says eating her food, and I do the same. I woke up starving.

"Are you going to meet your friends today?" 

"Actually, I have been asked to help organize our school's graduation ceremony." I inform her "I already have so many ideas."

"I'm glad you're keeping busy." she says smiling "That means you will be at school often this week right?"

"Yes. I'll be placing a stage on the sport's field, so that will take most of my time." I explain. And the fact that a certain professor teaches there does not make me more anxious about this week, not at all. I finish eating and place my plate in the sink. I'll clean it later, right now I had to go to a meeting with Principal Fallon to know what my budget is.

"Got to go mom! Love you!" I yell out grabbing my purse. After one last look in the mirror to check my appearance in the mirror, I make my way out.

I walk into school confident in myself. I see students talking and walking around enjoying their last week of school before summer break, for some they would be saying goodbye forever. I'm glad that I graduated already, even if it didn't have the results I was expecting, it was good to finally be done with that part of my life, besides I was graduating with the rest of them. This ceremony is as much for me as it is for them. There is no way I would miss graduating with my friends.

I walk into the administration's office and smile happy at the woman behind the desk, Greta.

"Hi!" I say happy to see her.

"Nadia, oh I've missed, darling." Greta says walking around the desk and pulling me in for a hug. "This place just isn't the same without you."

"I know, I've miss being here as well. Maybe I'll return someday, but I needed some time to myself and since the year's already ending I figured you could handle everything on your own." I tell her "But anyway, is Principal Fallon available? I have a meeting with her concerning this year's graduation ceremony."

"You can walk right in, honey. She's already expecting you." Greta says kindly

"Thank you. I'll be sure to bring some treats next time I come here." I tell her, knowing how much of a sweet toot she had.

"You're a saint!" she yells as I walk into the Principal's office.

"Hello Principal Fallon, I hope I'm not intruding." I say

"None at all, Nadia. Come in."

I close the door behind me, and take a seat in front of her.

"How have you been doing, Nadia? I miss having you here." she says

"You're too kind Principal Fallon." I tell her "But I've been fine, thank you. And please let me thank you for allowing me to plan the graduation ceremony, it was kind of you to consider me."

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