Chapter 19

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*Just a warning, there is smut in this chapter. It's a mature scene so skip that scene ahead if you are uncomfortable reading it!

After thinking it trough I decided not to kiss him the second I saw him. I have a feeling that if I did that it would only make him fight me more. What I needed was for him to yearn for me, to want me so much that when I did kiss him, his first instinct is to pull me closer instead of away from him.

First stage of the seduction: always be where he is but never actually interacting with him. Make him intrigued. Make him look for me in a crowded room. I want thoughts of me be the only thing in his head.

It was a little tricky, especially since I had to restrain myself from talking with him when he makes his way through me, I always find a way to occupy myself with other activities and conversations. Apart from a few small talk we never got the chance to exchange more than two words with each other. Some could say that I was being silly but after two days? I could see him looking for me whenever he went somewhere. Now...did I hide so he wouldn't see me? Yes, yes I did, but there is a very plausible explanation for that. You see, he may be fighting this, but his wolf wasn't so I had to use his wolf against him. I made sure to be where he was going to be, a few minutes earlier so my scent would follow him wherever he went. Pathetic? I don't really see it that way. I had to use every weapon in my arsenal.

Second stage of the seduction: Small touches. Make him crave for my touch.

So maybe I didn't have to touch his hand when I pass him his water, when I volunteered at a friendly soccer game between the two packs, or purposely bump into him every chance I had, but if I wanted him to want him, I had to give him small snippets of what he could have, and that tingling sensation that came whenever we touch each other? I was definitely using that to my advantage.

Third (and hopefully) last stage of the seduction: Jealousy.

So maybe this was a little petty, but wolves were possessive by nature and mates where even worse, so you can't really fault me there now could you? So I flirted...a lot, and never with him. So this could be a gamble that could backfire on me, but it was a gamble that I would have to risk.

At the soccer game he was playing? I made sure to flirt and touch every male that came to my stand to grab some water. I was casual about it, not wanting the boys to actually have any ideas but even so, the frown in Aidan's face was unmistakable. Now the real question he ready? Better yet, am I ready? The answer came sooner than I was expecting it.

I was cleaning everything up after the game, few people remained behind to help out. I was placing the now empty water container in the storage room designed to keep this when my arm is grabbed harshly. The tingles made him easy to identify.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asks harshly, I could see his wolf flashing in his eyes.

"Cleaning up." I say innocently and doing my best not to pant with our closeness. I could breathe his earthy scent with each breath I took. "Not a crime last time I checked."

"This isn't funny Nadia." he says. I could tell he was doing his best to restrain himself, but right now I didn't want him restrained, I want him loose.

"I wasn't laughing." I say back, taking a step even closer to him. "I am free to do anything I want Aidan, you told me so yourself." I remind him, I raise my hand and touch his chest "I am free to touch..." I say huskily looking at his lips, raising my head slightly so that his lips stood only a few inches from mine "...and kiss anyone I want."

"You're playing with fire Nadia" Aidan warns me, his hold on my wrist tight, but not hurtful.

"I'm not afraid of the flames." I respond "Now if you don't mind, there is a cute soccer player waiting for me." I lie hoping he would take the bait. I step away from him but his hold on me doesn't falter. I could see it in his face he was having a hard time letting go, his wolf flashing consistently, until finally one managed to overtake the other.

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