Chapter 12

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"NADIA!" I yell again watching the van speed away from the parking lot. "NO!"

I consider going after the van but they are going too fast for me to catch them, even in wolf form.

I see the hunters body on the floor and check to see her vitals. Dead. Good. Nadia fought her attackers before being overpowered. I grab her fallen purse from the floor and take a deep breath of her smell. See if I could track her.

This is all my fault, if I hadn't treated her the way I did then she might have never been taken by the hunters. Shit! What the hell did I do? Her scent had basically disappeared, I couldn't track the van, and every minute that she is gone is a minute that she could be hurt, or even worse dead. Sonia Harper's death comes to mind, she was only seventeen when she was killed by the hunters and there was that girl from the Montague's pack too, Elaine I think, she was tortured by them. My heart tightens in fear with the endless possibilities.

I call the Beta reporting the kidnapping and the dead hunters body. Apparently Nadia hadn't been the only one taken, several others had been kidnapped as well, both Capulets and Montague's. Juliet Capulet being one of them.

I take the scent of the hunter and memorize it, just because they thought to erase any trail of Nadia for us to follow doesn't mean they erased this female's scent. After memorizing it I travel to the Alpha's house and see what arrangements are being made and when a rescue team is going to be send out.

Only the Alpha doesn't care about my findings, completely disregarding me and almost throwing me out of the room since I wasn't a part of the pack's warriors.

Fuming with anger at being so quickly thrown away and their lack of attention to my mates kidnapping I almost snap at the Alpha, but then I notice Casper, the soon to be beta of the pack, and Juliet's second making me some kind of sign to join him outside.

"I heard you saw Nadia being taken" Casper said going straight to business.

"Yes." I confirm. "I didn't get there on time to stop them."

"It's not your fault." he says supportive "I heard you say you might have a trail. Is it true?"

"Nadia fought her attackers, she killed one of them, and the fuckers left her body behind." I report to him "They didn't think to erase it."

"And can you follow it?" he asks serious

I nod.

"Good. Come with me."

"What about the Alpha?" I ask him as I follow him to his car.

"The Alphas are refusing to work together. At this rate the hunters will kill them all before we get to them. We have to act now or we will be too late." he informs me "Julius is already freeing Romeo. I already told him that we might have a trail we can follow so they will join the moment they get free."

"Where was Romeo?" I question. He hasn't been to school lately and neither has Juliet, something that I could tell troubled Nadia greatly.

"Trapped at the pack house being pumped daily with wolf bane." he reveals, shocking me "Yeah...their parents didn't take them being true mates very well."

"So they pump him full of wolf bane? That seems a bit extreme."

"My guess is that they wanted to break the bond, but from what I gathered it wasn't working. That kind of bond is different than the one we are used to. Deeper. Truer, if that makes any sense, you know?" Casper rambles on "I saw it with my own two eyes the way the bond reacted when they were both dying. It's like they were connected, through life and death. It's scary really but at the same time, to have someone that deeply bonded with you? To have that kind of bond? I don't know why anyone would refuse it."

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