Chapter 21

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Nadia's POV

So it turns out wolves can get depressed.

After that day with Aidan my wolf completely shut down. It was hard getting out of bed. I was barely responsive with others. I could hear my mother talking, even Juliet came to see me but I didn't acknowledge them, I was too far deep into my misery. Every day I lay in bed, when I wasn't crying I was thinking of him, which made me start crying again. I never felt so miserable in my life. Why couldn't he love me? Choose me? Why was I so unworthy of their love?

On the third day, my mother finally had enough of my behaviour and called my therapist, Dr. Marshall. Somehow in all the things she said that I mostly ignored, one sentence stuck with me.

"You are your own person, you know your value, everyone else's opinion doesn't matter."

It was strange but it did get me to reflect. He who should not be named shouldn't have this much control over me. He rejected me over and over again, and it was about time I rejected him for the pain he caused me. I did the right thing. I am strong and beautiful and any guy should be happy to be my mate. With this new resolution I push my covers away and get up from bed. First thing first, I had to shower.

After that I sat on my vanity and look at myself in the mirror. It was time to put on a mask and show everyone that I wasn't breakable. I was strong and I was going to show everyone that. Make up done and hair fixed, I stare at myself again.

"You're beautiful." I recite to my reflection "Aidan will be sorry to have ever reject you."

I get up and put on a pair of tight skinny jeans, the one that clung to my body beautifully and a cropped top. I smile at my reflection, I looked hot, sexy even. According to the thousand notifications on my phone there was going to be a party tonight. And that's exactly what I needed right now. To get drunk and maybe make out with a guy or two. It was time to move on with my life. There are thousands of men in the world, for me to get stuck crying over one.

With a new game plan on my mind I grab my things and finally get out of my bedroom. I go down the stairs hoping to be able to avoid my mother, but luck was not on my side today.

"Nadia?" I hear her call out to me from the living room. I consider ignoring her but decide not to at the end.

"Yes, mom?" I respond casually

"You're out of bed!" she says entering the foyer "And you're dressed...where are you going dressed like that?"

"A party" I admit

"Nadia I think we should talk about your behaviour this last days, it wasn't normal honey." she says worried

"No need. I'm over that already." I claim tired with this conversation already "I'll be home late."

"Nadia, wait!"

I left without any other explanation. I needed a drink, multiple ones at that. I meet up with a group of friends and we all went together to the party. I started drinking the second we got there. I realize I was getting extremely drunk and this wasn't healthy by any means, but for the first time in a long while I felt completely free and I didn't once think about him. I was laughing and dancing like I had no care in the world and when guys came closer and started dancing with me? I welcomed them with open arms.

I end it up making out with one of them, enjoying the sensation of being wanted, even if it's by a drunk guy. This is what I wanted, to get over him, to move on. Unfortunately, even in my drunken state I could still compare this kiss with his and it annoyed me how I could still crave his kiss even after all the pain he gave me.

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