Chapter 13

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I wake up with someone calling my name as they caress my hair. I moan when I try to move, my entire body ached in a way I don't think it ever had before.


I look at the person calling for me and I am shocked but at the same time relieved to see such a familiar face in a place like this. I was so worried about her.

"Juliet?" I call out not believing that she was really there.

She nods and I make the extra effort to approach her, despite my pains and I hug her tight against me, never ever feeling as much relief as I ever did then right now.

"You're here" I cry out, silently sobbing in her shoulder "You're really here."

"I'm here" she reassures me again, holding me tight as well. Giving me the comfort that she knew I needed "Now we just need to find out a where here actually is."

"The hunters...they caught me when I was walking to my car." I tell her "I try to fight them...I think I got one of them but they...they had this sticks, and it hurt so bad Juliet" I confess, her face resting on my shoulder. I just wanted to crawl into my bed and never leave it ever again.

"Do you know if they have more of us here?" she asks me

I nod knowing she would want all the information possible about this place, no matter how little "They put us on the back of a truck. I recognized three other werewolves from the Montague pack. They all go to our school."

"Then I'm sure the alphas have already noticed that they have members missing." she says trying to find hope in that "They must be looking for us already."

"Will you stay with me?" I ask vulnerable, looking at her straight in the eye. I really didn't want to be alone right now.

"Always" She responds, and I eagerly lay my head in her shoulder, taking comfort in her presence

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"Always" She responds, and I eagerly lay my head in her shoulder, taking comfort in her presence. She runs her fingers through my hair calming me down. We stay like that for almost an hour, for a while we stayed silent. It was possible to hear a girl screaming, sometimes even a boy. I wonder what they are doing to them? I'm afraid to know. I'm even more afraid knowing that they probably are going to do that to us soon enough.

"I found my mate" I confess whispering, breaking the silence. He might not want me, but he was mine, that I knew. She stops caressing my head. The shock of my words sinking in.

"Your...but you're not 18 yet...oh my goddess, did I miss your birthday?" She asks me, suddenly realizing she had missed my birthday, and that probably no one was there to celebrate it with her.

"Yeah..." I say turning so I could look at her "I figured something was wrong when you didn't even call. You're the only one who always remember my birthday."

"I'm so sorry Nadia" She apologizes "My father...he didn't...he didn't accept my relationship with Romeo very well."

"I figured as much" I say smiling sadly. Yeah well at least your mate wants you, I can't help but think. But then I realize I am being cruel and unfair, she has others problems to concern about regarding her mating. "Me and Casper have been worried sick about you. We knew you wouldn't just leave without telling us. And then Romeo didn't show up for classes and we just knew there was something fishy going on."

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