Chapter 25

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Nadia's POV

"Hi. Can we talk?"

For the first time in almost a week I see him in front of me and I can't seem to find the words to tell him to go away. I open the door wider, letting him in. I take the time to really look at him. As always he fails to look bad, but when I looked closely into his face I could see small signs of sleep deprivation, and the beginning of dark circles beneath his eyes. Was he suffering as much as I was, perhaps? Did he regret what happened between us? Did I want him to regret it? I had so many questions.

"You need to make this quick, my mother will be home soon." I warn him. Hopefully he wouldn't stay long. He had only been here for a few seconds and my wolf who had been hibernating for days, finally decided to start coming out, as if sensing his presence. "So? Aren't you going to say anything?"

"You're beautiful." he says surprising me. Definitely not what I was expecting him to say, and I hate that he caught me so of guard. Even the way he looked at me disarms me in a way I wasn't expecting.

"Stop it. You are not allowed to look at me like that anymore." I scold him. He chose to walk away. He has no right to come here and torture me like this. Is he really that cruel? "Just say what you want to say and leave."

"I'm sorry." he simply says.

I scoff. Is he really serious?

"Sorry doesn't change what you did." I tell him angry that he thought he could just come here and say sorry and he somehow would fix all the damage and hurt he caused. "Do you have any idea how worthless you made me feel? How you hurt me?" I yell at him, feeling so...angry.

I see him flinch at my words, well to bad for him. He should know. He hurt me in a way that I never thought he could hurt me.

"So you came here for what? To apologize for choosing another woman over me? To rub it in my face? Don't you think I've been hurt enough!? Do you hate me that much?" I ask him outraged and hurt. Why is he doing this? Why now?

"No! Nadia, I...that's not why I am here." he immediately denies "I should have never treated you the way I did. I was scared and confused and my head said one thing but my heart kept pushing me to another, and I just...I chose the safest path."

"Get out!" she says opening the door of her house


"I don't want to hear it!" she yells but then she takes a deep breath, calming down "Just...please leave."

"Not until you hear what I have to say." he insists. He walks towards me and grabs my hand. Instantly the shocks explode between us, causing me to gasp. This shouldn't be possible. I rejected him. I rejected the mating bond. Then why can I still feel the tingles?

"What? How?" I stutter, not understanding how this was possible. The tingles were supposed to be gone forever. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"For a mating bond to fade, I would have to accept your rejection." he informs me, shocking me. I look at him alarmed. What? That wasn't...It wasn't supposed to be like that. "And Nadia Renald, I Aidan Crawford do not accept your rejection."

I could feel the bond coming back alive between us. My wolf suddenly emerges, feeling the restauration of the mating bond. I see his eyes flashing gold, I can feel mine do the same. Both our wolves acknowledging each other.

"Why?" I ask quietly. He rejected me so many times. Why was he doing this?

"This past week without you Nadia, it has been one of the worst of my entire life." he confesses squeezing my hand lovingly. "I only realized how much I needed you in my life when I no longer had you."

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