Chapter 2

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There was a different atmosphere in the air when I arrived at school the next day, and to top it off Juliet didn't show up for class. I tried calling her but she didn't pick up, when I found Casper he told me he hadn't talked with her today either.

According to the rumors going on around the school a girl from our school was attacked and was at the hospital, apparently her situation was very bad, but no one seem to know the details of what had really happened. All I know was that Romeo, his beta Julius and Juliet were yet to show up today and that raised a lot of red flags. It meant the situation was really bad. I try calling her again, trying to see if I could get some proper answers but again she didn't pick up.

I sighed frustrated. I hated not knowing what was happening.

Morning passes without much going on. Juliet never showed up but I decided to call her later in the day where she was more likely to pick up. I had lunch at school since today I had my job at the school's office. All the people from my class had left already, only few remained, it's no surprise since we had all the afternoon free.

I read a book as I ate and I let myself get absorbed into it. The ring signaling the end of lunch hour surprised me and made me jump in my seat. I hadn't even notice that so much time had already passed, I always get too absorbed when I read, I have a bad habit of ignoring the world around me.

I close the book and get up. I open the door of the school's office with a smile on my face and I great the lady at the front.

"Hi Greta" I say going behind the counter "I got a little bit distracted with my book, sorry if I kept you waiting."

Greta smiled kindly and got up from her seat hugging me "That's okay my darling, you are just on time, besides you're doing me a favor coming in today, I have my daughter's recital today."

"Oh that's wonderful!" I say smiling and grabbing myself a cup of coffee "I'm sure she is going to do great"

"She has been very excited" she says smiling fondly as she puts her things away and grabs her bag "I already filled all the reports, there should be a few papers over there that need to be organized and filled. Principal Fallon is finishing signing some on her desk, she should give those to you today still." she informs me

"Got it." I confirm sitting in my chair "I got it from here don't worry"

"You are a lifesaver Nadia." she says "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye! Good luck for your daughter!" I say as she walks out the door.

I take a look at what I have to do, assessing the amount of work that I had but before I get started on it I knock on the Principal's door. When she gives me the go ahead to get in I just open the door a little bit and stick my head inside.

"Hi Principal Fallon, I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking over Greta." I inform her.

Principal Fallon was a elegant woman already close to her 70's although she didn't look like it. Her white hair complemented her image and it only made her look more elegant in my opinion. She has been the principal for this school for 23 years already and she didn't gave any sign that she was resigning any time soon.

"Hello Nadia, I am so glad that you could take over for Greta, she really was in a pickle with her daughter's recital." she says kindly

"It's no bother mam" I reassure her "If you need anything just let me know"

"I will dear" she says returning to look at the papers on her desk.

I close the door quietly and go back to my seat starting on the amount of papers that where left for me to arrange. Surprisingly I actually liked the work. I liked the organization in the chaos, or better yet I liked organizing the chaos, making sure that everything was running smoothly. I'm thinking of pursuing administration work, I seem to have a talent for it, but I wasn't sure yet. There where so many options that it was very hard for a girl to choose.

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