Chapter 15

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It came as a surprise to everyone when the Alpha King along with his entourage arrived in town.

And even more surprising, my mother finally decided to come back home. Imagine her shock when she saw me, her daughter, completely in shock sitting on the floor of our house's foyer with my history teacher holding me protectively against him.

Aidan explained to her what had happened, both with the hunters and with Juliet. Once my mother was up to date, she politely sent Aidan away saying she could take care of me now. I could feel his heasitation in leaving me alone with her, but I simply squeeze it his hands and told him it's okay. That he should go back to his girlfriend, I had already taken enough of his time. Yes, I did say that. A part of me wants to have him with me. To let the bond work his way into convincing him to choose me. Love me. But I was selfish, I want him to choose me on his own free will. He had to come with me willingly, or I will forever wonder if the only reason he chose me was because he felt compelled to do it.

I was basically on auto pilot from that moment forward.

The church was full, everyone both werewolf and human alike decided to attend the funeral. A tragedy, the people say. A tragedy indeed. The town had been rid of all humans who worked or were somehow associated with the hunters, only those who were loyal to the werewolves remained. Never again would something like this happen.

The bodies were transported in a small procession to the town's church and laid together in the altar for all to see. Silent tears fell from my eyes. My mother for once hold me against her, giving me the support I needed to grieve. Her arms might not be those I craved more than anything and yet I craved hers just as much.

Aidan was here too, only he had his girlfriend next to him. I could sense him looking at me from time to time, occasionally I would stare back. But what good does it do to me? It hurts when I see him with her, and yet it hurts to look away from him. Perhaps I am doomed to live this way. Always craving what I cannot have. Suffering silently in a crowded room.

"After talking to everyone involved and listening to all the witness we now know how this sorrow came about." the Alpha King said loud and clear so everyone could hear. "All those who were guilty of this tragedy were pardoned, for they will have to live with this crime in their hearts until their dying day. But let there be a lesson from their deaths. Capulet. Montague. See what your own hate and pride brought upon yourselves, that even the Moon Goddess finds means to punish you with joy and love." he says speaking directly with them "Learn from your children and move past your ancient grudges. I myself don't know what it's like to have a love like Juliet and Romeo, a love to leave loved ones for; a love to cross oceans for. I like to believe that if I would ever find a love like that that I would seize it. Let that be a lesson to all who are here today. Let the story of this young couple inspire you in your actions. Do not let their sacrifice be in vain."

When he finishes his speech, Damian Capulet and Thomas Montague both get up and turn to each other. Both men were shadows of what they used to be. Their light had been taken from them. It's their own fault this happened. All they had to do was work together, but not even to save their packs they were able to put their prides aside. And it cost them everything.

"I am terribly sorry for your lost Capulet." Thomas Montague said "I can only hope that from now on we can live as our children wished us to live. In peace, and together."

Thomas Montague extends his hand for Damian Capulet to shake.

"We were both fools Thomas" he says "Our own hate blinded us from our greatest treasures" He takes his hand and shakes it "Let us live as they wished us to."

They hugged and pat each other on the back. Juliet and Romeo would have been happy to see their fathers getting along. To see their packs no longer in war. But what a cost they had to make. What is really necessary? All this death? All this pain?

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