Chapter 4

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As expected my mother wasn't home when I arrived. She usually never was. I place my things on top of the kitchen counter as I look through our groceries, trying to decide what I could make for dinner.

To be honest nothing appealed to me. I take a yogurt just to fill my stomach with something. Perhaps later I'll make something more nourishing. I eat in silence, my mind was still processing the events of today and I wasn't surprised when I realize that the new substitute teacher's face kept popping up on my mind.

There was something very...alluring about him. I can't quite put my finger in what exactly. He was certainly handsome and those dimples that appear when he the Goddess a girl can melt under its full effect. But still...there's something more...there's this aura around him that intrigues me. And he's going to be my teacher now.

"I can't believe I actually flirted with him" I comment feeling embarrassed. I don't even know where that came from! It was like my mouth was talking before my brain could catch up.

I dispose of my now empty yogurt and start making my way to my room when I am surprised by the sound of a key turning in my front door. A few seconds later, my mom is making her way into the house, while talking enthusiastically on the phone.

"Hi mom" I greet her.

Claudia Renald in true fashion to her name doesn't even acknowledge me and just makes her way to the kitchen completely ignoring me.

"Why am I even surprised?" I ask myself quietly as I watch her take a bottle of water from the fridge. I approach her slowly.

"Have you eaten yet? Do you want me to prep something for you?" I ask her concerned. Even if she ignores my existence the majority of the time and completely fails at being a mother to me I still couldn't help but love her and be concerned about her. A part of me still remembered a time when we used to be close, before my dad dies. I guess I still clung to those memories and hoped that some part of her still loved me, because sometimes I wasn't so sure if she did. At least not anymore.

She lifts her finger motioning for me to wait a minute.

I sit in one of the counter seats and watch her as she says goodbye to the person on the other side of the call.

"Uhh that bloody woman never stops talking" she complains as she scrolls to her contact list

"Mom" I call her out wanting her attention.

"Yes Nadia. What do you want?" she asks with an exasperating sound, as if I was bothering her.

"I thought maybe I could make something for us. We could eat together, maybe even catch up. It's been a while since we shared a meal together." I suggest trying not to get my hopes up and failing miserably.

"I already ate" she says never looking up from her phone.

"MOM CAN YOU PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" I yell frustrated at her lack of caring

She looks up at me surprised at my outburst.

"Is it really so hard to look at your own daughter when she is talking to you?" I ask her tired of her not caring, and tired of having to seek out her attention and affection. "I'm trying mom. I really am. Why can't you at least make an effort? Why can't you love me mom?" I ask trying to contain the tears from falling.

"Don't be ridiculous Nadia, of course I love you" she says putting her phone down "And what makes you think you can raise your voice at me young lady? I am your mother and I deserve some respect."

"Then start acting like one!" I complain "You don't even care about my life; you never ask me how I'm doing in school or what courses am I interested in? Do you even know where I am most of the day? What extracurricular activities I have or if I am dating anyone? Do you even care!?" I argument releasing all of my pent up frustrations.

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