Chapter 14

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"You really didn't have to take me home." I told Aidan as I open the door to my house. As of usual, my mother wasn't home. I wonder if she evens knows I was taken by the hunters "I could have called a cab."

"I wanted to make sure you got home okay." he responds walking in behind me.

I stood a little awkward in my foyer, not really knowing how to proceed. How do you act when the mate who basically rejects you saves you from torture by hunters and then drives you home? Do you offer him a drink? Do you kiss him? Beg him to never leave you? Maybe the first.

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask not wanting to be rude. I am beyond tired and just waiting for the opportunity to crawl into my bed and cry until next week, but first I had to keep up appearances. Even against him.

"Water, if you don't mind." he accepts

I turn to the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water I always keep in there.

"Here" I say giving him a glass full of it.

"Thank you." he says sipping his water slowly.

"Look" I say tired and not wanting to drag this for too long "I know what you're doing and you really don't have to. I'm home and I'm safe. You already saved me from the hunters, you don't have to make yourself stay here and look after me. I've already been doing that on my own for longer than I should have had too."

"Where is your mother? Have you heard from her yet?" he asks ignoring my entire speech

"Who knows? I doubt she even cared if she knew." I respond bitterly


"Could you just...not. Please?" I say having had enough. I really wanted to be alone right now. "I really just want to take a shower and crawl into bed."

"Okay." he says softly. "I'll stay in the couch." And then he just walks away and heads to the living room.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask confused. What does he mean he stays in the couch? My couch?

"You're not staying in here" I argue. One minute he's dying to get me away from him, and now he's inviting himself to a sleepover in my house? Oh hell no. "I don't want you here." A lie.

"Too bad. I'm staying." he says sitting on my couch and turning on the television "I don't want you to be alone today."

"How kind of you" I respond sarcastically. I cannot forget that just hours before this man broke my heart into a thousand pieces. "Won't your girlfriend be upset about this?" I ask him and I take few pleasure in watching how he stiffen up when I mentioned her.

"She's got nothing to do with this. Now go take your shower, I'll be here if you need me." he says casually like it's an everyday occurence.

"You know what? Just do whatever you want. I'm too exhausted for this." I say giving up and heading upstairs, where I lock myself in the bathroom. I take a deep breath just composing myself. I slowly turn on the tap and the water start running. The sound makes me stiffen up, it reminds me of the jet of water I was hit with while in the cell.

"You're home." I repeat to myself "You're safe."

I strip putting all my clothes in the trash bin. I never want to see those clothes again. I step inside the shower and let the warm water ease the pain and stiffness of my bones and muscles. I look at my body and I can still see the bruises from the electric sticks.

"Please stop" I beg went the water is shut down.

Suddenly I hear a familiar sound, a sound only produced by the electric sticks they enjoyed using on us so much. I hear her coming closer, and my panic went off the charts.

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