Chapter 6

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I was surprised the next day when Casper announced to all the junior members of the pack, from 14 to 17 years old, that a mandatory meeting would be held at the local cinema that afternoon. More surprising even, both packs would be in attendance. And apparently we were to keep this to ourselves. It was a matter of great importance that no senior of our pack should know about this, especially the Alpha.

As I socialize with a few people of our pack I can't help but be on the lookout for every information about the new History teacher. Apparently, if we dismiss the strange meeting taking place today, he was the hot topic of the day. The hot new substitute teacher was all we could hear about as we cross the halls. He had made quite an impressive first impression on his students. Some were upset that he hadn't fallen for their prank, they were starting to question if someone had alerted him of their intentions beforehand. I smile secretly happy that I had warned him, but none the less, he was a hit. People were really looking forward to their next class with him,

Classes went by faster than I thought they would and soon enough another day had passed and it was almost time for the assemble. I could almost smell the anticipation and the curiosity in the air, as all the teenagers of the pack make their way to the local cinema. The place was filling up with teenagers from both packs, each in their own corner of course and insults were thrown around quite frequently, nothing new but nobody misbehaved.

I make my way backstage knowing Juliet would be there getting ready for her speech. Cas and the other guy, Julius, were guiding everybody to their seats and keeping them contained, they had it all under control for now, but who knows how long that will last? So here I was searching for the two lovers so they could put this show on the road. I haven't seen Juliet today but I did get to talk to her on the phone earlier, she explained to me in a little bit more detail what this meeting was about and I was curious to see if they could really pull it off.

I however was surprised to find her hiding in a deserted hallway, snogging Romeo Montague.

"Juliet!" I yell out catching them by surprise

They both tense and take several steps away from each other, as if I hadn't seen them kissing just seconds ago. When Juliet notices it's just me she relaxes.

"Relax, she knows." She tells Romeo. Her mate. God I'm so jealous.

"It's time" I warn them "Everybody is waiting for you to start"

"Ok, thanks" she says kissing Romeo again, by her words "for good luck".

"That's very pretty and all but there are a bunch of reckless teenagers waiting for you as we speak" I remind them trying to rush things along.

I didn't like the feeling I had when I see them being all lovey dovey with one another. Not that I don't love that Juliet finally found someone that complements her in every way. I do, I really, really do, it's just...Gooood I want what they have so baaaad. To be loved like that. Without ever having to doubt their love for you. To have that kind of security. That's what I crave most in my life.

I lead them to where the Betas were and go take a seat in the audience. If I was asked to relate what happened during the time of the meeting I think I could honestly say I couldn't find the words. We had a tiny glimpse of what the future of our packs were going to be. Seeing Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague standing side by side, proclaiming to be together in this war, to fight alongside each other, brought out a flame that seemed to have been extinguish until now.

Montagues and Capulets together. Both packs as one. That was what they were proposing. That could either be the start of a revolutionary movement or the destruction of both packs. I guess only time will let us know.

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