Chapter 24

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Aidan's POV

Warning: Mature language in this chapter.

I come to realize that I needed to do right by Nadia. And I needed to do things the right way. That means that I can't try to start something with Nadia, without ending what I have with Avery first.

A day. That's how long I had to wait.

I feel sorry for Avery. She really didn't deserve this, but I couldn't lie to her. I refused to admit it before but now I came to realize that those feelings I claimed to have for her suddenly didn't seem so big anymore. Even though our relationship started as something purely physical, I came to care for her. She even moved all the way to Capulet's pack so we could be together. I don't know how she is going to react to the break-up, I can only hope that we can at least remain friends, if not at least civilized with one another. I have no doubt that she is capable of finding someone who will be able to cherish and love her the way she deserves, but I can't claim to be that man anymore.

There was only one woman I wanted to devote my time and affection for, and her name was Nadia Renald. Of course that is only if she will have me. I really fucked up when it came to her. I just hope she gives me a chance to redeem myself. I feel like a bastard for even asking for that. But I'm not willing to give her up. Not anymore. Not when now I know what it is like to live without her.

When the day of Avery's arrival finally came, I texted her for us to meet me at my apartment. I hear the jiggling of keys outside and a few seconds later Avery enters the apartment, a bright smile on her face.

"Hi, honey!" she says placing her bag on the couch. "I have so much to tell you." she says leaning in for a kiss.

I turn my head to the side so her kiss would land on my cheek instead of my lips. She frowns.

"Is everything okay?" she asks suspicious.

"We need to talk." I tell her placing my hands on her arms.

"What's wrong baby?" she asks

"Nothing. I mean...there is nothing wrong with me, but there is with us." I tell her trying to find a way to make this easier for both of us.

"What are you talking about? There is nothing wrong with us. I know we got angry with each other before I left on this trip, but we were both stressed." she says "I love you."

I had to contain myself not to flinch at her declaration. It was not the first time she said it to me, but this time it just felt wrong.

"But I don't love you. Not anymore." I confess

She backs away shocked.

"What do you mean you don't love me? Stop playing games Aidan, of course you do."

"No, I don't." I insist "It's not your fault Avery, it's me. You're wonderful and anyone would be lucky to have you has his girlfriend or mate, but that person is not me anymore."

She stays quiet for a few seconds just assessing the situation. I had no idea what was going through her mind.

"Who is she?" she asks in quiet anger.


"Who is the whore that manage to seduce you?" she asks clearly angry "Who is she, huh? Have you been cheating on me with her? Is that why you have been so reluctant to have sex lately?" she laughs incredulous "It's her, isn't it? The girl from before. The one you bloody dreamt about! I should have known. You couldn't keep your hands away from my body, and then suddenly you refuse? Who the fuck is she, Aidan? It has to be her. Did she finally fall into your arms, was it?"

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