Chapter 30

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I hesitate for a moment. Aidan told me that she had left, and we haven't seen her around for weeks. What was she planning? I had no idea what to expect from her.

"Why are you here? Aidan thought you left the pack." I say never taking my eyes away from her but also curious to where she has been all this time.

"You got yourself to blame for this, you know?" she says stepping closer. I take a couple of steps back. It was better for us to keep our distances from each other. "Do you know how long it took me to find my way into a pack? And then you came along and ruined everything."

"You're talking about Aidan." I comment deciphering her words "You used him to get into the pack. Why? What did you had to gain from that?"

"And here I taught you were smart." she says playing with me "Look around darling." she says opening her arms. So I was right she had something to do with the rogue attack. "Why work with rogues? They hate werewolves who belong to a pack. Why would they work with you?"

She laughs.

"I don't work with rogues darling. I am a rogue." she says surprising me. And then she jumped at me. I am fast enough to evade a full front attack, but the pain in my body slowed down my movements making her able to land a punch on my face, and a kick to the leg. She jumps on top of me and wraps her hands around my neck, cutting off my air circulation.

"I told Aidan he would regret breaking up with me." she says smugly tightening her hold. I try to fight her off so that I could breathe, but she wasn't budging. I could already see black spots starting to appear in my vision. "I had such plans...but I'll content by killing you."

In a last show of strength and desperation I claw her face, making her gasp in pain, surprised by my attack. With the shock she let go of her hold on me, allowing me to take a deep breath in.

"You bitc-"

I hit her in the trachea, causing her to gasp searching for air, then I hit my head with hers, which hurt like a bitch, but it did make her get off of me.

"You're going to regret that" she threatens getting up, but this time I was prepared. When she came at me, I'm able to defend myself using the moves Aidan taught me a few months ago, but this wouldn't hold for long. I kick her in the leg and then I hit her again in the face, causing her to fall down again. It was clear she didn't have much training, but I couldn't count on it to win. I had to find a way to defeat her. She was able to get a few good hits on me and I think I might have some broken ribs.

"You used Aidan." I say trying to win some time to come up with a plan, while at the same time it would be nice to finally have some answers "How did he not know you were a rogue?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." she says smiling triunphal. "Alphas say they are merciful when then bane us from our homes, but they are just sentencing us for a life of misery and death. Some of us had enough of it. We wanted them to pay for what they did to us. So we found a group that wanted you all dead as much as we did."

"You joined the hunters?" I ask shocked and horrified. "They want the extinction of all our race! It doesn't matter if we are rogues or not. How could you?"

"We found beneficial advantages to working together." she explains removing her jacket and straightening her back. "Their scientist are quite smart. They invented this tonic, that once sprayed it concealed how rogues smell, but it couldn't mask it completely. But that's okay, because we found something else that worked to mask the smell completely. Can't you guess what it is? Did Aidan never told you about us? How we were together? How we would spend hours just enjoying each other's bodies? He does this thing with his tongue, I'm sure your familiar with it by now, that just makes you orgasm over and over." she says provoking me "Hmm...he was the most pleasurable assignment I have ever had. But enough chit chat. I have to kill you now."

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