Chapter 23

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The sound of someone knocking was what woke me up the next morning. After spending the entire day just watching romantic comedies and throwing popcorn at my tv, yesterday was the first time in a while I had actually relaxed. Obviously not counting the hour I spent in Dr. Marshall's office. That was emotional torture on its own.

The knocks keep getting louder and more consistent.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." I yell as I run down the stairs in my pajamas. "What!?" I yell once I open the door. This better be a case of life and death. Although I was not expecting the person on the other side.

"Good, you're awake. Get dressed." the woman on the other side said once I open the door.

"Tanya? What are you doing here?" I ask not understanding why she was here at all. Sure she had been one of my trainers during the competition between both packs, but we barely exchanged two words without being pack or training related. Especially since she was from Montague's pack and Romeo's ex. We never really had any reason to talk before.

"I'm helping you." she says stepping into my home without being invited "Now go put on some leggings and a tank top and meet me in the kitchen."

"In the...Excuse me!" I call out watching her opening the kitchen's cabinets and taking out ingredients "What do you think you're doing?"

"Go get dressed and then you will have your answers." she insists looking at me with a serious look as if daring me to contradict her. Wanting to get this over with I rush upstairs and dress what she told me to wear, even though I didn't see the point to it. I put my hair into a ponytail and rush again downstairs, where I see her laying a full plate full of eggs and bacon on the kitchen island.

"So what, did you came here to cook for me?" I ask taking a bite of the eggs. I almost moan at the taste. "This is good." I tell her. Honestly I'm surprised.

"Thanks, and no, I did not come here to cook for you. That's just an added bonus." she responds leaning against the counter in front of me. She was watching me attentively as I ate, not creeping me out at all. "I've been watching you this last couple of days."

"Because that's not creepy." I mumble to myself "So what, are you here to give me a lecture too?" Not that it's any of her business. We barely know each other.

"I certainly need one."

"Listen, not that it's any of your business but I've already decided to pursue my career in partying and drinking. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm fine." I tell her annoyed that people couldn't just leave me, and my broken heart alone. In fact, I'm sick of everyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do to get over Aidan, it's my broken heart. Not theirs.

"Here's the deal, I don't know why you've been acting the way you have, but my money is on a guy." From the look of my face, I guess she knew she had assumed correctly. "And I know that you are hurting, even a blind man could see it."

"I'm glad I'm so transparent." I say sarcastically

"All I'm offering is a distraction. A way for you to think about something else other than what's causing you pain right now." she says trying to convince me "Besides, what harm could it do?"

I stay silent for a few seconds pondering her invitation.

"Why are you doing this? We aren't even friends. We don't know each other."

"Then get to know me today. I'm promise we'll be great friends by the end of the day." she says smiling "There is nothing wrong with adding a new friend to your life, right?"

"I guess I could use a distraction." I tell her hoping I would not regret this.

"Great! Now finish eating because you are going to need the energy."

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