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Ding dong,ding dong,ding dong

An annoyed groan escape my lips.

What the fuck is that noise?!

I scream inside my head,while forcing my eyes to open but immediately furiously blinks away the brightness of the light from the glaring sun outside,when my eyes adjusted to the light.

I groan again when I heard the pesky noise of the doorbell blaring around the house.

I push the covers away from me and immediately made my way out of my bedroom not before cursing the damn doorbell for waking me up this early,its fucking Sunday and it's my day off,no one will question me if I have a day off because I'm the fucking boss.

Well good luck for the fucktard who had interrupted my slumber party.

I made a mad dash towards the door while glaring at I didn't even notice that I'm already flying my way down the stairs.

Whoever this dick is,will surely be a dead meat!

I open the door forcefully that it the wall hard.

My eyebrows instantly knitted together in confusion when I saw that there is nobody outside waiting for my outburst not even a single soul.

" What the fuck is going on?! "

I cursed loudly while walking outside but abruptly stop when I almost tripped on something.

" Damn it! "

I cursed loudly again and looked down, I saw a small box,a shoe box to be specific.I glance ay my surroundings but found nothing or no one,I was supposed to ignore the box but my curiosity got the best of me so I picked the damn shoe box..

Who the fuck would give me a present,it's not even christmas for fuck's sake!

I huffed annoyed this must be a sick joke!

I rolled my eyes and opened the box without a second thought.

I immediately dropped the box when an awful smell hit my nostrils.FUCKITY SHIT! What's that nasty smell! It's like a rotten carcass of something!

Looking down I saw that the thing inside was already scattered on the ground. I gritted my teeth together that it almost painful.

Appalled is the only thing I'm feeling right now when I saw the most disgusting thing I ever laid my eyes on!

Because the fucking thing inside the box is a dead crow,not just simply dead but it was gutted purposely,it's organs are separated from the pathetic body of the bird and the thing that really caught may attention are the words written on the half part of the body where the feathers are shaved off..

It says:

"Tick Tock Tick Tock"

Why I'm still surprise that this shits I'm experiencing is because of the butthole that's threatening me nonstop. FUCK IT ALL!!

I went inside the house to get something and when I returned from the spot where the scattered I already had matches and gas in both hands. I opened the gallon of gas and threw it's contents on the dead crow,once I'm finished I threw the flaring match stick onto the carcass soaked with gas. The shits erupted into flames quickly.

I stared blankly at the flame. That fucker will definitely meet his death once I get my hands on him or who the fuck is the master mind with this mess.

I watch as the flames died down and turn into a thick mass of smoke....

Miss Author:

Short update po para sa inyo sana ok lang yung chapter!!😁😀

See you next Chapeee!!!🙋🙋🙋

The Billionaire's Squatter GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon