Chapter 1: Agent Sarah

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*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang*

I pressed the tigger of my gun as I kept on shooting bullets at the gangsters who were driving on their motorcycles down the road of an alley.

I was driving on my motorcycle and was driving between the alley as well and was shooting. I could hear the loud siren of police car sound from far away as I kept on shooting.

The polices were chasing these gangsters as well.

I drove faster and kept on shooting however, the gangsters were faster. The gangsters got into the side walk and began driving there. I could see people screaming and crying as they ran away from the alley. Some got pushed away from the side walk and some bumped into the motorcycles and were injured.


This was getting bloody now!

I had to catch those gangsters. I had to stop this.

Driving my motorcycle faster, I hit on the break hard causing the motorcycle to stop. With such a sudden force the motorcycle pushed back throwing me in the air. I flew high and pushing my body towards the gangsters motorcycle, I landed perfectly on my two feet on the road just before the gangsters motorcycle. Before the gangsters get even a chance to react, I took my gun and shot right throw the motorcycle's tires.

I watched the gangsters loosing balance as the motorcycles fell on the road.

Oh good!

I put my gun on my holster of my belt and pushed my helmet a little and fixed my hijab. I couldn't take off my helmet and reveal my face to eveybody like this. As a F.B.I. agent I couldn't show my face to public as most of my missions are undercover missions.

I walked to the gangsters where they were moving and struggling to push the motorcycle of them. They were injured a little from the sudden fall.

The police car dashed on the road from the alley and parked right beside the gangsters. A few police officer got off the car and all of them went to arrest the gangsters while one of the police came near me and smiled.

"Thank you," The police as he took of his hat and looked at me.

I smiled back.

"Somebody who is as daring as you are, isn't a commoner for sure, Miss. You must be a part of any investing team, am I right?" He asked.

I smiled and took out my F.B.I. Badge from my pocket and held it on my hand and faced it to him so that only he could see it.

His eyes wided as he nodded. Putting back his hat in his head, he used his hand and did a salute. "My apologies, Agent Sarah. I couldn't recognize you,"  he said.

"No worries," I said as I put my badge back in my pocket. "You are not suppose to recognize me, anyway. I usually work in undercover but I saw these gangsters today selling drugs to some highschool students so-"

"We will take care of this, Ma'am," he said. "I assure you that."

I nodded. "In that case, I will be counting on you, Inspector."

He smiled. "Thank you, Ma'am. You know-"

Before he could finish, I suddenly felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"1 minute," I said as he nodded. I took out the phone and saw a few missed calls from the Silvertail Junior School's office.

I sighed as I looked at the time. It was 4:00 PM. I was clearly one hour late on picking up the kids.

I looked at the police and smiled. "I am sorry but would you take care of the situation here? I have to go and pick up my kids-"

"You are married?" He was surprised when he asked.

Hearing the word 'marriage' made my heart felt a little heavy. I looked down to my finger where my wedding band wasn't there anymore. It was lost when I fell of the cliff 5 years ago.

Yes, it had been 5 years since this happened and yes, it took me 5 years to become a successful FBI Agent to proceed with my plan on hunting Waali. It wasn't an easy path but I am finally reaching near my goals.

In the begining, I dealt with a lot of small cases as I was in training and still a junior but now, I got the permission to work in hardcore complex cases. Tonight is the night, i will, for the first time, get to work with Navil and join in his case of hunting down Waali.

Nabil had already ruined and tracked down number of Waali's hideout business and ruined them and arrested several of his men but he couldn't reach Waali yet. Tonight, I will be joining him in his mission and plan.

"Agent Sarah?" The police said, breaking me from my thoughts. "Everything alright?"

I nodded and falsely smiled. "I need to go to pick my kids, so take care."

The police nodded. "Yes, have a great evening."

I nodded. "You too as well."

I walked near my motorcycle and got on the motorcycle. I began to drive towards the school as I knew I had to pickup my two little sunshines from their school.

Assalamualikum and Hello!

How are you?

How is this Sarah? She is not like before anymore for sure. Lol.

Thank to those of you who read last chapter and still continuing to read this chapter and waiting for the update. The next update will be tomorrow.

I am planning to update daily now unless I have summer classes so I hope to update tomorrow.

I hope you are excited to meet little babies of Sarah and Eshan. I am really excited to write about the kids as well.

Thank you so much and have a great day.


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