Chapter 17: The Plan

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I thought of a plan on my head and smiled.

I leaned on the sofa and said, "Why don't you exchange drugs with the hotel customers?"

Waali and Mr. Jatt looked confused.

"I know a few people who are in this hotel and are billionaire. Cocaine is their weakness and they are so addicted to this drug that they would buy it for any price amount," I said, trying to follow the plan that I had made already. "Why don't you buy soft toys, cut it open and then put the drugs inside it. Then sew it back up so it looks like nothing was in there. Have your men deliver it to their suits and they will give the money in a paper bag. I am sure. Even if it gets capture in CCTV footage, nobody would understand that you are smuggling drugs inside soft toys."

Waali and his father's eyes wided in shock and then both laughed.

"That's a wonderful plan," Waali commented.

"I never knew that a woman who is so modest and wear hijab can come up with such plan," Mr. Jatt commented. "You are something."

I smiled.

Of course, Mr. Jatt. I have to think this far to make you fall in my trap that I was setting you up for.

"I will text you all the suits numbers who would be interested in buying this drug. I am sure if will bring us a lot of profit," I said.

"Of course," Waali took a sip of his wine. "We can give you a 50% profit . . ."

"That's not what I want this time, Waali," I interpreted him. "This time, I wanted to have a visit to your island where you do your business. I believe it is the core of your drug business."

Waali hesitated for a bit.

Mr. Jatt nodded. He looked at Waali and said, "Ifra is helping us out so much. She doesn't even want the 50% share. The least we can do is to take her inside the island. I am sure she can become our new partner."

I nodded. "Of course. I have always heard so many things about it. I never saw the island and not even the cops were able to trace the island. I really want to know more about such a island that not even cops or navy arms cannot reach."

Waali laughed. "Okay then," he said. "You send me the customers and I take you on a tour to my island," he said and poured a glass if wine in another cup.

I laughed with him. "Sounds good."

That's what I wanted Waali. I was searching for your secret island for so many years. I will finally be able to go to the island and discover why can't any police or secret agents were able to reach to the island.

What was so special about it?

I would find out about it soon.

"Deal?" He held another glass of wine towards me. "I am sure a woman like you break rules here and there. It is useless to miss out the fun of life if we always follow Islam."

I pull my hands away.

I couldn't have the wine. It was forbidden in Islam.

So, instead I said, "Sorry, Waali. I have allergies to wine and alcohol."

Waali frowned. "My bad. You are missing out a lot in your life then. Girls like you should take off my hijab and have some fun."

I clenched my hand in anger but held a fake smile on my face. "Of course. I just wear hijab and to stay modest so nobody suspects me. You know it is like to be the CEO of a hotel and doing drugs. I need to be well behaved so that nobody suspects me."

Waali nodded. "Absolutely."

"Ifra, if you don't mind," Mr. Jatt hended me his phone. "Please add your phone number. We will be in touch."

I smiled. "Of course," I took the phone in my hand.

I couldn't believe what Mr. Jatt did. He didn't even know what I could do with just his cellphone.

I quickly tapped on the setting button as he was talking to Waali and wasn't paying attention to me. I scrolled down the setting menu and found the IP address of the phone.

I quickly memorized the IP address and then added my phone number, that I was using under my fake name, in his contact list.

I handed Mr. Jatt the phone. "Here you go, Mr. Jatt. We will be in touch."

Mr. Jatt smiled. "Likewise."

Waali and Mr. Jatt stood up and so did I.

"We will take our leave now," Waali said.

I nodded. "Have a great day," I said.

I watched Waali and Mr. Jatt leaving the room. After they left the room, I checked around the office and no that there was nobody. I took out my phone and called Nabil.

Nabil picked up my phone call instantly. "Sarah? Did you find anything?" He asked.

He knew that I had a meeting with Waali today.

I explained him the entire conversation that we had just now.

"Darn it," Nabil sighed. "If only we knew that Mr. Jatt was involved in the whole thing then we couldn't have caught Waali way earlier."

I nodded. "Yes, but I will soon get the access to his island. I will update you on that."

"Yes," he said. "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Yes, by tomorrow, I need a few undercover police officers. They need to look like their are billionaire. I need them to be in disguise and stay in this hotel. I am planning to have Waali smuggle the drugs to the officers but of course, Waali wouldn't know about that. We can get Waali's finger prints on in the drugs that way."

"Excellent," Nabil said. "We would have another evidence against him."

I nodded. "I also need you to trace down this phone. The IP address is XXXXXXX. Give this number to our top hackers and tell them to hack it. This is Mr. Jatt's phone. I am sure if it can be hacked, we can keep their location traced," I told Nabil.

"On it," Navbil replied. "I will contact you soon."

"Allah Hafeeze," I said.

"Allah Hafeeze, Sarah," Nabil said and hang up the phone.

I sighed.

I was getting closer to what I was looking for. Soon, I will have Waali locked behind the bars for his entire life.

Just after thinking that, I turned around and was shocked to see Aliya and Yasir standing on the entrance of the office and looking at me confusingly.

My heart began to race. I was shocked.


This can't be happening.

Did Aliya and Yasir heard my conversation with Nabil?


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

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Just did a double update. Please ignore my Grammer and spellings. Will fix it later.

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Take care,

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