Chapter 9: Sneak & Peek

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Sean POV
(Not so surprisedI guess . . . 😅😂. Hope you enjoy though . . . 😊)

I felt a light tugging on my blanket.

"Sean! Wake up!" It was a whisper but loud enough for me to hear.

I pulled my blanket again and tried to cuddle on it.

"Come on, Sean!" I heard her whispered again.

"Let me sleep, Eira," I mumbled.

"Sean, look! We are in a new room," she whispered again.

New room?

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around the room and saw our new room.

It was a big room that was pained in blue color. There was a big window. There was a stool near the big window which was strange. The bed was soft and dark blue in color.

I sighed.

Oh yeah! We are in hotel now.

But where was mommy?

I turned my head around and saw a sofa where mommy was sleeping. Mommy looked tired and there were so many papers on her hand.

"Sean, I am hungry," Eira said.

I turned around and saw Eira. She was wearing her little pink polka dot t-shirt and pink pajama. She had her hair down which was till her shoulder.

I looked at myself and saw I was in my paijamas too. I was wearing a green strips t-shirt and green pajama.

Mommy must have changed our clothes when we were sleeping at night.

"Sean, I am hungry," she whispered.

I looked down to my tummy and saw it making noises.

She laughed softly. "You are hungry too."

I giggled and nodded. "Yeah," I rubbed my tummy. "We didn't even had dinners."

"Because we fell asleep in the car, remember?" She asked.

I nodded. "Let's wake, mummy-"

"No, no," Eira shook her head. "Mommy is sleeping and tired."

I looked at mommy and then to Eira.

She was right.

I couldn't wake mommy, now.

"But I am hungry too," I said.

She nodded. "I know. Me too. So, now, we need to go out to look for food."

I frown. "If we go out, mommy would get worried when she wakes up."

"I know. That's why we got to sneak out," she said.

I gasped. "We are going to sneak out?" I yelled.

"Shhhhh!" She put her hands on my lips. "Mommy is sleeping."

I took her hands off my lips and frowned. "We can't do that!"

"We can! Come!" She said as she crawled on the bed. She wiggled her legs as she tried to get down the bed.

The bed was too high from the floor and she was wiggling her legs down as she jumped down on the floor.

I followed her.

I crawled on the bed and jumped down on the floor.

She ran towards the window where the stool was. She climbed on the stool and opened the window.

I was so confused.

What was she doing?

My eyes wided when she jumped out of the window.

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