Chapter 30: Reveling My Identity

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I kept holding onto Eshan and kept crying.

"Shhhh . . . It's okay, love," I heard him say but I cried harder. He pulled away from me and kissed my tears away.

Eshan held on my back and lift my upper body a little. Putting the pillows against the headboard of the bed, he placed me on the bed in a sitting position as I leaned against the pillows against the bed headboard.

I looked at Eshan. I took his hands on mine and held on his hands and smiled. He cupped my cheeks and press his lips on my forehead. "Thanks to Allah that you are alright, Sarah," Eshan said as he looked at me.

I looked at his eyes and saw so much joy, happiness, relief, and pain . . . ?

"Sorry . . ." I whispered as his fingers ran through my hair. "I hid my identity . . ."

"I know," he sighed.

I looked at Eshan in shock. "You know?"

He nodded.

I suddenly remembered something and then sighed. Of course he knew. He pulled me off the water that time. I am sure my makeup faded away with all the water that was around me.

Or at least that's what I expected him to say but instead he said, "Your nose hoop gave it away."

I looked at him confusingly. "I thought I exchanged it that day," I said without thinking. As soon as I realize what I said, I bit my lip and looked at him.

He had a smirk on his face. "You really thought that just exchanging a nose hoop and having all your informations under the F.B.I. and having it coincidental is going to stop me from searching for you, my lady?"

I looked down, feeling ashamed.

I was one of the top agents of F.B.I. and I couldn't even hide from my husband.

I sighed.

Was it that easy to trace me?

I was a little annoyed and frowned.

Eshan used his two fingers and held onto my chin as I looked at him. He had an evil grin on his face and even though he was in a mess, he still looked handsome.

With that grin on his lips and beautiful brown eyes, Eshan did looked like a handsome idiot!


I mean . . .

Aren't we having a serious conversation?


I don't need to find Eshan attractive now!

My cheeks turned red when Eshan came a little closer to me.

"I am your husband, Sarah," Eshan smirked as he had his fingers holding on my chin. "Even if you hide from me for years, I will still find a way to hunt you down."

I stared at Eshan, feeling all emotional and touched until he pulled away from me and leaned back on the bed.

"And of course," Eshan winked at me. "This time, you deserve some real punishments from me."

My eyes wided in shock.

Wait, punishments?

What does Eshan mean by that?

I looked at him and saw him looking at me deeply. He had a gentle smile on his face and his fingers were playing with my hair.

The look on his eyes were different. Way different than just now. It was as if he wanted to do something so badly but was holding back.

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