Chapter 24: Finding Out

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Eshan's POV Continue . . .

I pulled away my hands immediately from Ms. Ifra and looked at her in disgust.

"Why are you here?!" I said, almost yelling.

She looked at me in anger, but behind the anger, I could see her looking a little worried.

I wondered why though.

She didn't say anything and took my hand on hers and pressed hard on the cotton ball that was dipped in alchohol on my wounds. I winched it pain.

She literally did that in purpose!


"This gonna teach you your lesson, right?" She snorted and pushed the cotton ball even harder on my skin.

Gosh, it burned like crazy!

I pulled away my hand from her. "What the hell, woman?! You are doing this on purpose!" I yelled.

She looked at me in anger. She leaned towards me and point her finger at me. "Took you long enough to realize it."

This woman!

She was rude!

Like who gave her permission go come to my suite and then throwing her anger at me!

She got off the chair and walked towards the window. She leaned against it and was looking at me.

"Apparently, Aliya went downstairs to call me. I didn't came her because I wanted to," she said, crossing her arms against her chest.

Why did Aliya called Ms. Ifra?

"Well whatever the reason is," I said. You cannot just come into anybody's room like this!"

She looked at me angrily this time. "Listen, dumb headed filthy rich man! I came here to look for you since you were throwing a tantrum like a little kid on your brother and your relative called me over. I don't have the slightest bit of interest in you since you look like an ugly man to me."

I stared at her in shock.

How could she talk to me like this?!

I was the CEO of an international company. I was a business celebrity. I had women waiting for me to make them my bride and here was this woman, shameless and full of pride, and was bad mouthing me.

I wanted to argue more with her but what caught my attention was the way she was looking at me.

Even though she looked so angry and was bad mouthing me but I could sense worriedness in her voice.

Plus, I could see the first aid kit that she was using. It was just on the night stand. It was my first aid kit which meant that she took it out from my suitcase. But my suitcase was locked.

How did she even opened it?

I always put password in my suitcases.

It was not possible for her to know the password as I never told her anything personal before. Even Yasir didn't didn't know my password.

This was really strange.

I looked at her and saw her looking around the room.

Was she searching for something?

She walked around the room for a bit but I could clearly see that she looked alart of her surroundings.

Yesterday, when I fainted from fever, Ms. Ifra called the doctor. Then, today morning, it was also Ms. Ifra who came to my room to check on me. She was also the woman who knew the password of my suitcase. She was also the woman who had the guts to insult me.

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