Chapter 2: Two Little Sunshines

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I parked my motorcycle in the parking lot and got off the motorcycle. I looked around and when I didn't saw anybody, I pulled off the helmet and hang it on the motorcycle's handle. My jeans and top were dusty from the previous fight.

I brushed the dust away with my hands and fixed my hijab. I took off the holster that contained my gun and bend down on my knees. Looking around and back to my feet, I pull off the jeens a little above my ankle and slide the holster on the side of my socks in the shoe to hid it.

I sighed.

Time to get the kids.

A smiled formed as I remembered my two little babies.

I walked towards the school and walked inside the school. I walked to the principal's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard a voice from inside.

I opened the door revealing a man in his 50s wearing a shirt and pant with thick glasses. He looked a little angry as he looked at me.

"Sorry, principal-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when I heard two little kids' voice.

"Mommy!" I heard the little voices and felt four little hands wrapping on my legs.

I looked down and saw my two little sunshines. Both had tears in their eyes.

Oh my babies!

I bend down to meet the kids eye level and smiled softly. Both kids had brown hair with little curls at the end. Their eyes were hazel just like Eshan. It was surprising how much resembled they looked to Eshan. They big eyes were filled with tears as they threw their little arms around my neck.

I rubbed on their back and as they sobbed on my back lightly.

"Shhhhh . . ." I patted their back. "It's okay. Mommy is here now."

I felt them sobbing more. I softly pulled away from the hug and looked at the kids. I whipped their tears and ruffled their hair.

"Come on, my brave angles," I smiled and kissed both of their forehead. "Mommy is here now. Stop crying."

"Mommy," my baby girl said whipped her tears with her little hands. "We were so worried about you."

"Yeah, mommy," my naughty boy said. "We thought you lost your way when you were coming to pick us up."

I bit my lip to stop laughing.

Lost my way?

How did he came to that conclusion?

"Yes mommy," my baby girl said. "We thought you got lost and won't come to pick us anymore and we don't have bus tickets so we can't search for you anymore."

I nodded, trying to hold back my laughter. "No honey. I was kind of working-"

"Work?" My champ laughed in excitement. "You mean you work where you get to do this," he made a little fist to show me and punched in the air, "and this," then he kicked in the air, "and this."

"Wow!" My daughter laughed and clapped her hands. "Mommy is like a ninja!"

"Ninja?" The principal raised his eyebrows.

I pressed my lips to stop from laughing and kissed the cheeks of my adorable babies.

I turned to the principal. "I am sorry, Mr. Wong. Thank you for having Eira and Sean here."

Mr. Wong nodded. "Ms. Jatt, please be a little careful next time. I have been bearing this for a long time and recently this is happening often which I don't prefer."

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