Chapter 18: Eshan is Sick?

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I was shocked as I saw Aliya and Yasir standing on the office door, looking at me confusingly.

I really wished that they didn't heard my conversations on the phone just now.

I tried to stay calm and bolded my voice as I spoke, "Hello! How may I help you?"

Aliya looked at Yasir, but didn't say anything. Yasir nodded and then looked at me. So did Aliya.

"Ms. Ifra, actually we need some ice packs," Aliya stated.

I was confused but was relived inside.

From the way both were behaving, it seemed like they didn't heard the conversation just now.

"Actually, my brother suddenly fainted-"

"Fainted?!" I yelled out in shock.

What the heck?

"What happened so suddenly?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. Deep down, I was panicking. "I mean, Esh-" I stopped myself before I said his first name.

I had a habit of calling Eshan by his first name.

But, I was still in disguise and we were strangers now.

I couldn't call him by his first name casually. I looked at Yasr  and Aliya and noticed them looking at me with confusion.

I tried to act normal before they noticed something suspicious about me. I coughed a little and cleared my throat.

"I mean . . . What happened suddenly to Mr. Eshan Jatt?" I asked in my fake voice.

Aliya stayed quiet.

"Actually, my brother is workaholic. He had a tendency to always work until he hit his limit. He has been doing that a lot lately," Yasir said. His eyes were filled with sadness and concern for his brother.

I couldn't believe my ears. I knew Eshan was a workaholic but 5 years ago, when we used to hangout, I never noticed him forcing himself so much in work to a point that his body won't be able to handle it.

Just what in the world happened to Eshan in these 5 years.

"This evening, after he came to our suite he suddenly fainted. He has a fever and burning hot. I wanted to called the doctor but then I realized that calling a doctor would be a bad idea," Yasir continued. "Eshan is a celebrity. We are going to have media here if they find out he is staying in this suit. We booked the suit here on the very top and didn't inform the media that we are staying here. My brother is not a fond of media. I don't want media to post his pictures when he is sick and helpless."

"That's why, we are wondering if you can give us some ice cubes," Aliya said.

Eshan had a fever?

I was getting worried.

I couldn't help it. I already stayed away from Eshan for 5 years. After I saw him here, I was so helpless that I couldn't even tell him that I was here. That I was his Sarah.

I just couldn't.

Instead, I had an argument with him. I knew he was being rude and I was angry at him but still . . . Right now . . . I just really wanted to see Eshan badly.

"Ms. Ifra?" Aliya waved her hands to capture my attention.

I shook my head and sighed. "Um . . ." I looked at the clock on the wall. It was around 7 pm.

I wanted to see Eshan and since he fainted now, I could easily go and see him.

Just once at least.

I just wanted to made sure he was okay.

He needed to be okay.

Or else who am I going to go back to after I solve this damn case?

I needed him in my life.

I didn't know if he moved on in his life but even if he did . . . For now . . . I just wanted to see him with my own eyes.

Just once.

But how?

I thought for a while and came up with an idea.

"Um, actually it is 7 pm and I am guessing you guys didn't check out our buffet tonight?" I asked.

Aliya and Yasir didn't say anything.

"Actually, I know you are concern about your brother but I was thinking if you guys can join the buffet. My little ones are in the buffet and are lonely. It would great if you can keep them company. In the mean while, I will personally take the ice pack to his suit. I will get a doctor here in my name and have him check Mr. Eshan Jatt. I am sure he would be okay," I explained.

"But," Yasir hesitated. "I can't just leave my brother alone and . . ."

"Yasir," Aliya tugged his sleeve. "Let her do what she just said. Eshan get a medical treatment that way atleast."

Yasir more more confused.

Even I was confused.

Aliya reaction was different. I didn't understand. I mean I was glad she was okay with me doing what I told her, but she is just going to trust me like that?

I looked at her and saw her looking at me. Her face held a different emotion that I couldn't read.

But something in my mind told me that she had a reason for agreeing to my words.

Anyway, I didn't had time to deal with this now.

I must go to Eshan to see him.

"Ms. Ifra, please send the doctor and the ice pack in our suite #2512. Eshan is there and still unconcious," Aliya said.

Yasir didn't say thing but just nodded.

It was a little suspicious but I could deal with this later.

"We will go to the buffet," Yasir said softly and left the office with Aliya.

I sighed in relief.

I quickly checked the refrigerator on the office rooms and took a few ice packs from there. As most of the guests were attending the concert and the buffet, the elevators were not crowded.

I walked to the elevator and went inside the elevator. The elevator went up to the 25th floor. I quickly got out of the elevator and rushed to the suite #2512. Taking out my master key, I unlocked the door. Locking the door behind me, I went inside the suit.

The suite was huge and luxurious. The calling was painted in dark navy blue. The walls were grey. Entering the suit, I saw the living room. There was a huge wall TV and large sofa. The kitchen was just a few feet away from the living room. I wanted to check it out but not now.

I must find Eshan first.

I walked through the hallway which had paintings and deorations on them. There were 3 rooms. Light were turned off on two rooms.

However, from the 3rd room, I could see tiny of light coming out. I walked to the 3rd room and saw Eshan lying unconsciously on a huge luxurious bed.

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