Chapter 8: The Hotel

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The car stopped in front of the huge hotel. I opened the car door and saw how fancy the hotel exterior looked.

The hotel was painted in burglary. It was tall and wide. There were lights on the entrance of the hotel. Some cedar trees were around the hotel.

I got of the car and looked back to the car seat. I saw my two babies sleeping on the car seats. Both were tired and worn out from the long journey.

I smiled and bend down. I scooped Eira on my one arm and scooped Sean with my another arm. I held onto both kids who wrapped their arms around my neck unconsciously. Both were still sleeping.

Eugene got off the car from the front seat and walked to the back off the car. The back of the car opened as he took out my luggage.

He began to drag the luggage and walked towards me as he saw me holding the kids. "Aren't the kids heavy, ma'am?" He asked.

I began to walked towards the entrance of the hotel with Eugene. "I am kind of used to it," I said.

The kids were heavy. Especially, now that they were both 3 years old. But, I was used to carrying my babies.

Eugene nodded.

We went in the hotel and walked on the lobby. I walked towards the reception desk.

We went in the reception desk and saw a lady there wearing business suit.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" The receptionist asked.

"We actually want to see the C.E.O. of the hotel here," Eugene answered.

The receptionist looked confused. "I am sorry. It is 2 AM. I am not sure if I can call the C.E.O.-"

"Ms. Williams," we heard a voice from the back. "I do have a meeting with this gentleman and woman over here."

We turned back and saw a man wearing business suit as well. He had very similar features as Nabil.

He must be Nabil's brother.

He walked to us and smiled. "You must be Age-" he paused, knowing that he wasn't suppose to expose our identities in public. "My brother's friends."

I nodded.

"Please follow me," he said.

Eugene and I nodded. We began to walk behind Nabil's brother. Nabil's brother walked towards a meeting room and opened the door.

We went in the room as he closed the door behind us.

"Sorry for that," he said as he walked in front of us. "I am Nabil's brother, Rizwan."

I nodded. "Nice to meet you, Rizwan. I am Agent Sarah and this is Eugene, my assistant," I said as I looked at Eugene and then to Rizwan.

Rizwan smiled. "Yes, I know," he said. "I have heard about you and Eugene from Nabil."

"Yes, I actually have to be a temporary C.E.O. in this hotel for a while-"

"I know," Rizwan said. "Nabil told me about it. Please have a seat and I am going to discuss about the C.E.O. position and introduce you to some of our important staffs."

I nodded.

Eugene went near the table and grabbed a seat. Rizwan did the same.

There was a sofa at a corner of the room as well. I went near the sofa and bend down and slowly put the sleeping babies on the sofa.

I kissed both of their forehead and then walked towards the table.

I sat beside Eugene and looked at Rizwan who was sitting in front of us. Rizwan took out a file and began to discuss about the hotel and the staff members there.


In an unknown island in Miami . . .

Third person POV

A man throw a bear bottle on the floor in frustration.

The men around that man were scared and took a step back.

"We fucking lost another of our boat!" He yelled. "Who was in charge of that?!" He called out.

All the men shook their head.

"Who was on charge of it?! Tell me!" He yelled.

One man with shaking legs stepped forward and stood infront of the angry man. "Waali, I-"

He didn't get to finish.

Before he couldn't say anything, Waali  used his hands and put it around the man's neck and squeezed it hard, choking him.

"W-W-aali, I-I . . . am . . . sorry," that man choked.

"That boat had billion fishes which had drugs stored in them. Because of you, the boat got caught by some F.B.I. agent and they arrested all the men who were in the boat!" Waali yelled. "You escaped from there and you thought you will escape from me too!" He yelled.

Waali pushed the man with force. The man bumped onto the wall and hit his head. Blood were dripping down his forehead.

"This is not the first time!" Waali yelled. "Most of our boats and smuggling business are getting caught by F.B.I agebts! If this continues then we are going to be poorer and poorer."

"We are sorry," other man called out. "We would try to be careful-"

"I have been hearing that for years!" He yelled. "You are being careful? My foot! For freaking 5 years! We have not being able to do our drug business properly!"

"We will try again-" another man tried to say but Waali interrupted.

"No need!" He said. "We can't continue to sell our drugs like this. We need a stable platform."

"What do you mean?" Some other man asked.

"Find a hotel in the coast," Waali said. "Find a hotel in Miami which is near the coast. Talk to C.E.O.  and see if the C.E.O. can join hands with us. If we can do that, we can continue our drug dealing business in the hotel which will be safer. We can do a business under the hotels name which will be less suspicious for F.B.I. agents."

The men over there nodded.

"We understand, Waali," another man said.

"If you understand then bring me the hotel's C.E.O. whose hotel is near the coastal beach of Miami," Waali ordered. "I can't live like this anymore. I want money and power and I will do whatever it needs to done to get my money and power back."


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

How is this chapter?

I am planning to write about one of the kid's POV in next chapter. Most likely Sean's.

Please let me know if you guys want to read about what is going on in Sean's mind or do you just want to read the story from Sarah's POV.

Thank you so much for all the support and please keep supporting me like this. Have a great day and love you!


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