Author's Note

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Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

I could have said this in the previous chapter but today, I have a lot to say so I thought of writing it here.

I hope we can be a little patient and read this.

First of all,

I am sorry for updating so late. Hospital is really busy so not getting much time to update. I didn't even got time to log-in to Wattpad for a long time due to my busy schedual. Sorry guys.

The next chapter will be the last chapter.

I am sorry if it feels like I am rushing for the ending but I am going to have my online exams soon and then my online summer school. I am also working so kind of hard for me to keep on updating daily.

Plus, I ran out of ideas and honestly, I feel like it is good to end it here than to drag it and make the story boring. So, next chapter is going to be the last one.

I hope you are okay with that.

Second of all,

I just want to share something with you guys. We are facing a difficult time now due to Covid-19 outbreak. It is extremely risky for anybody who is working outside or travelling in a public transportation.

Please try your best to use gloves and mask. I know masks are running out so maybe make your own fabric mask. But make sure you are always washing it with hot water and soap. Something is better than nothing guys.

Also, make sure to always disinfect your phones and clothes if you are find outside. We always use our phone so it could be carrying so many germs from outside. So disinfecting them is better.

Make sure to disinfect the door bells, all the switches and door knobs in every two hours at least. Make sure you disinfect the kitchen counter since we make food there.

Also guys. I love eating outside and I know so many of you guys probably like that too. But right now, please try to avoided it. It is just that we don't know how they are making the door or are they using gloves to make it or not. We don't know so better to stay home and cook our own food.

If you guys do feel sick or just have normal caugh or allergy, please take rest and take care of yourself. Try not to go out within 14 days after you get sick.

If you are ordering in Amazon or wish or any other online shops, please make sure to disinfect the things that you ordered.

It is extremely hard for us, as health workers, to always here news about patients going to ICU and patients are not doing well. It is hard to come home and think of doing something fun when you know that there are people outside getting infected.

So guys, please, take care of yourself and the people around you. We are in a situation where we don't know when everything is going to get back to normal.

My own family friends' relatives day before yesterday passed away due to Covid-19. (May Allah grant him Jannah.)

Two other people in their family are in the hospital due to Covid-19. It is really scary, guys.

We don't even know when we might get involve so please always pray to Allah. If you follow another religion then please pray for everybody as well.

Always wash your hands for 20 seconds at least and keep 3 meters distance. Even between family members as well.

Third of all,

Ramadan is coming. So please stock up your food. Buy dry foods since it won't get bad. Make sure to stock up your medicines.

If you can, take Vitamine D3 or Vitamune C tablets if possible. Talk to your doctor before you take the supplements if you are unsure. Vitamin D3 works best if you eat it with dairy products. Vitamine C protects from cold. Both of these makes your immunity strong.

That's all for now. I hope you guys stay healthy and safe. Please take care of your self and pray for everybody.


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