REPUBLISH CHAPTER 35: All Well that Ends Well

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Assalamalikum and hello!

How are you?

I have received a bunch of comments saying that you guys's comments are not showing up. I am not sure what is going on as well. I can't even refresh or see anything in Wattpad in my phone. The books that I was reading were not even showing up in Wattpad. Wattpad is probably having some issues.

Regardless, I am just republishing the chapter in case anybody is having a hard time reading the previous post as there were some issues in Wattpad.

Thank you so much for supporting me and my story. You guys are wonderful and lovely. I always get inspired by your comments and votes. Not to mention, some of you message me in private and I know, I reply late. (Sorry). But I try my best to always reply to you guys because it always makes me feel like I am close to you guys.

Thank you so much and please take care of your self.



________________________CHAPTER 35 REPUBLISHED ___________________________

I stared at Waali in shock.

I couldn't believe that he was there and was pointing a gun at me. I couldn't even make a move since Eshan and the kids were right there.

I bend down a little to pull out the gun that I always carried from my jeans pocket but Waali fired a bullet on the air.

"Don't try to act smart, Sarah," Waali said, still holding the gun.

I clenched my fist and looked at him, angrily. "What do you want?"

Waali laughed. "You destroyed me. You got everybody arrested and now you are telling me what do I want?" he laughed again. "I want to get RIDE OF YOU, SARAH. YOU HEAR ME!"

Sean run towards Waali and kicked him with his little legs. "You bad boy! Don't talk to mommy like this!" he yelled.

Oh no!

Sean shouldn't have gone to him.

Waali smirked and pulled up Sean on his arms and pointed his gun at him. "So, this is your son, huh?"

Sean didn't took terrified. Instead, he looked angry and was struggling to get out of his hold.

"Let go of my brother!" Eira yelled in frustration.

Waali pointed the gun at her and shot a bullet right beside her. The bullet didn't hurt her but it made her terrified. She ran to Eshan and began to cry loudly.

Eshan pulled Eira on his arms and looked at Waali angrily. "You are crossing you limit now, Waali!"

Waali laughed. "Oh, am I? You all made my life miserable. I wouldn't let you go off the hook!"

"Too much confidence is never good, Waali," Eshan said.

"Shut up!" Waali yelled. "I will make all of you pay. I will start with this boy here," Waali said and pointed a gun at Sean when suddenly, somebody from behind Waali hit Waali's head with a hockey stick form the back.

"Ahhhh!" Waali cried in pain and let go of Sean. He was going to fall down when somebody from behind Waali grabbed onto Sean and pulled him on her arms.

I watched in horror as Waali fell down on the floor, revealing the Aliya and Yasir who was standing behind him. I couldn't believe my eyes. Aliya was holding onto Sean and Yasir was holding a hockey stick which was now covered in blood.

How did Aliya and Yasir get here?

Waali was lying on the ground but was conscious. His forehead was bleeding and he was whining in pain.

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