Chapter 29: Reunion

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I slowly opened my eyes. My body felt numb and my vision was blurry. I took a deep breath and exhale it.

I was alive?

My eye lids felt heavy but I kept my eyes open. I could still feel the pain on my back. I could still feel the weakness but I could still feel that I am breathing.

Alhamdulillah, I said in my mind.

I closed and opened my eyes a few times. My vision cleared out slowly and I could see that I was in a big fancy room. I was lying on a white bed and there was a nightstand beside me. The walls around the room were made of glasses and was see through. It gave me a clear look of the night view.

I could even see the balcony from where I was lying down. On the balcony, there was a person standing there wearing a blue shirt and pant. I couldn't see the person's face as he was turning his back at me and was looking outside from the balcony.

The chair that was across me had a black coat on top of it. It was as if somebody stayed up the whole night and sat on the chair to watch over me.

 It was as if somebody stayed up the whole night and sat on the chair to watch over me

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Where was I?

This was simply not my suite.

I looked at the person again.

Who was he?

I tried to push the comforter away from me when I winched in pain.

I sighed.

I felt like my whole body was filled with pain. But it didn't hurt as much as it hurt before when I was still in the water and trying to save Nathan . . .

Suddenly memories from that day ran into my mind.

I remembered how Nathan and I were attacked my the sharks. I remembered how the shark bite on my back. I remembered how I was loosing conscious and I felt somebody holding into me. That person's touch . . . Even his voice felt so familiar . . .

It was like that person was Eshan.

I sighed again.

Just thinking about Eshan was making my heart clenched into pain. I wanted to see him so badly.

I just wanted to be by his side. I just . . .

Tears rolled my eyes.

I just wanted feel him close to me again.

I clenched onto the bed sheet and tried to get up again but as soon as I tried to move my shoulder for support, I collapsed onto the bed again.


I sighed. It was like I could move everything in my body but I couldn't seat up by myself. I saw the glass of water on the nightstand beside me. I was thirsty and wanted to drink the water.

I moved my hand up again and held onto the glass and tried to have a firm grip on it but as soon as I moved the glass, it collapsed from my hand and fell on the floor and broke into pieces.

More tears ran down my eyes.

I felt so helpless.

The glass made a sound when it fell on the floor. The person who was on the balcony turned around and to my  surprise, it was . . .

"E - Esha - n?" I gasped as I looked st Eshan.

Eshan looked miserable. He had dark circles under his eyes. His chin grew few hairs. Hair was messy. His shirt was croaked. Few buttons were broken in the top, exposing his neck. His neck tie was loose.

As soon as he saw me, he rushed over to me and bend down to feel my face.

"Sarah," Eshan whispered as if he was so relief to see me. He threw his arms around me and bend down to hug me tight as I laid on the bed.

My hands ran on ur back and clenched onto his shirt. More tears rolled down my eyes.

Was this a dream?

"Eshan . . . *hick* . . . Eshan . . . *hick* . . ." I sobbed, trying to catch my breath between the cries that I was whimpering as I saw him.

Eshan quickly pulled away from me, making me feel lonely again. I was breathing hard and was trying to get up but I couldn't! My body felt so weak.

Eshan sat beside me and put his hands on my cheeks and cupped my cheeks.

My hair was long and messy and laid on the pillow. My eyes were filled with tears and I was trying to move my shoulder to push myself to seat up, but I couldn't.

"Es-sha-n," I sobbed out as my fingers clenched onto his sleeves.

I was so close to Eshan but I couldn't touch him properly.

It felt like a torture to me.

"Shhh . . ." Eshan whispered as his hands caressed my cheeks. "Breath, Sarah . . ."

I calmed down and tried to follow his instructions.

"Breath in and out."

I could hear his gentle voice. I breath in and out and repeat it few times. I felt so much better.

His thumb ran across my eyes and whipped away tear. "I am here, love," he said softly, caressing my cheeks. "It's okay."

Just hearing Eshan's voice like this made me burst into tears again.

Gosh, I missed Eshan!

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me and hugged him. I didn't care if my shoulder was hurting or my back was hurting when I moved my arms like that.

What matter was that I could feel Eshan again. And he was so close to me.

I didn't wanted to be parted away from him.

It has been 5 years since I was away from Esha. But those 5 years felt like centuries.

I just wanted to be with Eshan.

Eshan moved his hand on my back to support it so that I don't have to use all my strength to pull him close to me. His other hand stayed on my side, letting himself balance on me so that he didn't put all his weight in me as he was bending down and hugging me.

I kept hugging onto Eshan and kept crying.

Thank you, Allah. Thank you so much for letting Eshan back in my life again! I muttered out a prayer in my mind.

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