Chapter 16: The Shocking Truth

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I walked towards the my chamber which was on the first floor in the hotel office. As I entered the office, there were no staffs as everybody was busy in entertaining the guests and taking care of the concert that was held on the hotel today.

I walked to my chamber which was the CEO's chamber.

I was just a temporary CEO here but ofcourse I and the original CEO knew about it. Most of the hotel works were handled by the manager.

I knew that Waali was inside the my chamber with his partner in crime and were waiting for me.

I walked to the chamber and opened the door.

My temporary chamber was simple and nice. It had a table and office chair by the window. A few meters away from that was the sofa side that was against the wall. There were two sets of sofas and a small table between the sofas.

I saw Waali sitting in the sofa and beside him, there was sitting another. Both of them were sitting and taking a sip of the red wine that was on their glasses. There was a big bottle of red wine on the table.

My eyes wided in shock when I saw the person who was sitting beside Waali. That person was an elderly person and had his business outfit on and had a stick on his hand. But he still looked stern.

He looked exactly like how he was before when I saw him 5 years ago.

The only difference was that his hair was grey now. He didn't dye his hair black this time. He wore thicker glasses than before, but nothing else seemed to change.

I couldn't believe who I was seeing here today.

I didn't expected this.

I never thought that this person would be none other than Eshan's grandfather.

"Ifra!" Waali stood up with Eshan's grandfather as he saw me.

I tried my best to smile. I was extremely shocked. "Hello Waali," I said with a bolder tone in my voice and closed the door behind my back. "Good to see you again."

"Likewise," he answered.

I walked towards the sofa and sat on the other sofa across them. "Have a seat, please," I said, using my fake voice.

Waali and Eshan's grandfather sat on the sofa across me.

"Let me introduce you to my father," Waali said and looked at his father. "This is my father."

I nodded. "I know," I said, without thinking.

"What?" Waali seemed confused.

"I mean, he is always with Eshan Jatt, attending interviews and business meetings. Eshan Jatt is a business celebrity so I have seen him in the TV and magazine," I pointed at Eshan's grandfather. "A few times."

Waali nodded and took another sip of his wine. "You have good wine in stock," he said.

I tried to act normal. This hotel was especially not for only Muslim customers so it was normal to have wine and alcohol in stock.

But, I didn't expect him to be such a fond of wines. Even Mr. Jatt, Eshan's grandfather, was drinking it.

Didn't they know it was forbidden in Islam?

They were so far from the religion that for them, drinking and partying seemed extremely normal.

Plus, Waali didn't had any manners. I came to talk with Waali and even before I joined him in a meeting, he had already ordered drinks for himself.

But again, what could I expect from a criminal.

"Ifra, my father helped me a lot when I ran away from the policies and murdered Inspector Awan and his family memebers," he said it as if it was a normal thing. "I have told you about many crimes of mine, remember?"

I clenched onto my hands to calm down. Waali had told me a few times about his crimes. Murdering my family was one of them. But he never mentioned that his father was with him.

"I have heard about you a lot," Mr. Jatt added as he took another sip of his wine. "Our underground drug business is going pretty well in Miami. We are having a lot of profit."

"Thank you, Mr. Jatt," I answered. I knew what he was talking about. Of course, other black market and smuggling business of Waali were in other locations of USA and Canada. Officers who worked under me had already taken care of those businesses in other locations. The only reason why Waali wasn't inform about it was because I stickly ordered them not to publish any news in the media or newspapers until I knew everything about Waali.

"We are thinking of smuggling Cocaine with some of other big drug dealers but we are wondering how should we hid it and smuggle it successfully," Waali said.

I nodded. "I understand. Cocaine is a powerful addictive stimulant drug. The better quality it has, the high price we would receive," I answered.

"Exactly! We got the best and the rare quality of Cocaine. I am sure our customers would love it. But I am struggling to find a way of how we should trade it with the customers," Mr. Jatt said. "Plus, there are strong securities in the coastal areas these days. It is almost like the policies knew where we are and are trapping us here."

I bit my lip to held my myself from smiling.

Of course, polices knew where Waali and his gangs were. I informed them. They were working under me.

I ordered them to made security right on the coastal side so that they won't be able to escape or smuggle outside of Miami.

I was basically making a trap for him and with each step, he was falling in my trap.

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