Chapter 11: Getting Caught

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Back to Sarah's POV

I ran in the lobby searching for my kids. I was panting and was tired. It has been an hour since I woke up and I couldn't find my kids in my hotel room.

I did my disguised makeup in a rush and ran out of my hotel room to search for the kids. I have searched everywhere in the hotel for the kids but I couldn't find them.

I wanted to cry.

The kids were eveything to me. After praying Fajr prayer, I came to the kids room and was looking at the case paper in the sofa. I accidentally fell asleep there and when I woke up, the kids were not in the room.

I didn't know where to search for the kids anymore.

I have searched everywhere in the hotel except the hotel garden.

I should have a look there.

I walked towards the hotel garden when I saw two security guards walking out of the hotel garden. Both looked angry and one was covered in grasses.

I walked towards the security guards and said, "Excuse me."

The security guards stopped walking and looked at me.

"Ms. Ifra," one security guard responded. "How are you doing?"

I sighed.

Yes, every staff in the hotel knew that I was their new C.E.O.

Of course nobody knew my plan and identity but Nabil's brother introduced me here as the new C.E.O.

"I am a little worried. Have any of you saw two little kids?" I asked.

The guards looked annoyed.

"Again kids," one guard sighed.

The other guard patted his arm and looked at me. "Ms. Ifra, please don't ask us about kids. After what happened with us today, we both think that it is better to not have kids."

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Ms. Ifra, we met two little kids in the garden. Those kids sneaked in and finished the entire breakfast that our staff brought for Mr. Eshan Jatt and his family," one guard explained.

I raised my eyebrow.

Why do I find it familiar . . . ?

"Moreover, when I tried to catch one kid, the other kid held my feet and I fell and slammed my face on the ground," another guard said.

Um . . .

Is that by chance . . .

"Honestly, those kids were devils in disguise," both guards sighed.


Those sounded like definitely my kids.

My kids looked innocent but I knew that behind their innocent faces, both were big troublemakers.

But what were the kids doing in the garden?

Plus, why did it have to be the kids who got bumped into Eshan. The kids looked way too similar to Eshan.

Anybody could tell that the kids were Eshan's.

I just hope that Eshan didn't meet the kids yet.

I looked at the guards and nodded. "I need to do some work. I will see you around?"

The guards nodded. "Take care, Ms. Ifra."

I nodded. "You too as well," I said and began to walk towards the garden.

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