Chapter 10: Long Lost Daddy?

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Eshan's POV

I stared at the two kids in shock. The whole trolly had empty bowls and plates.

Did the kids ate all of our foods?!

"What the freaking hell?" I yelled in anger.

I wanted to yell at the kids more. I was angry.

Some unknown kids ate all of our food. Not that I couldn't order more food but who was that irresponsible to let their kids go around?!

Plus, these kids had no manners!

I turned my head to the kids. My eyes were filled with anger, however, the moment I looked at the kids again, my heart just froze.

The kids looked scared and shocked.

It looked like the kids were twins.

A girl and a boy.

Both had brown hair with little curls. Both kids had hazel eyes and tan skin. It was almost as if I could see the resembles of me with the kids.

But how could that be?

It wasn't possible . . .

I stared at the girl who almost had tears in her big eyes.

"I am sorry," she burst out in tears.

The boy looked at me, feeling a little scared but he held his sister's hand.

"Sean, we got caught," she cried more.

So the boy's same is Sean, huh?

Sean stood in front of his sister and loomed at me, angrily. "Look, you angry man!" Sean said as he pointed a finger at me. "Don't do mean things to us! Our mommy will kick your butt!"

My mouth dropped in shock as Aliya and Yasir bust into laughter.

"Oh yes!" The little girl said as she whipped her tears off. "I forgot that! Our mommy is a super hero."

I stared at the kids in confusion. "What?"

"Yes, our mommy is going to kick your butt and make your bum all red!" She said as she put her hands on her waist. "So, don't be mean to us!"


This was the same girl that just burst into tears a few minutes ago? And what type.of language are these kids using?

Kicking butts?

Super hero?

I sighed. "Kids these days watch way too much TV shows," I said.

"Hey, don't you dare to call me kid!" The boy said as he fist his little hands. "I am the man of our family!"

"Hahhaa," Aliya just couldn't stop laughing.

Yasir was chuckling. "These kids sure are no ordinary," he said. He then leaned a little closer to me and whispered, "Hey Eshan, do you see how much these kids look similar to you?"

I sighed. "I know, Yasir."

"I mean, both have same hair color, same hair type, same eyes and even their skin tone looks similar to you, Eshan," Yasir whispered. "These are not one thing. The kids have way too much similarities to you."

I didn't know what to say.

I had the same confusion.

How can somebody's kids be that similar . . . To me . . .

Both kids looked adorable though. Both were a little angry but cheerful.

"Don't tell me . . ." Aliya shook her head. " . . . Eshan, you don't have any other relationships with any other woman-"

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