Chapter 33: Telling about the Twins

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Eshan's POV!

I couldn't believe my eyes as I was looking at the photos on the laptop screen.

It was the baby photos of the kids . . .

Of my kids . . .

No, these are our kids.

I smiled as I scrolled down and zoomed in to see each pictures.

A while ago, Sarah told me everything that happened to her in the past 5 years. I couldn't believe that all this time she was chasing after Waali. I didn't even know that my own grandfather was involved it in.

It hurted me just to think that the person who I respected and grew up with since I was a kid was actually involved in hurting Sarah.

I should have guessed from the beginning that my grandfather was too weak to hand his own son, Waali, to the police so instead he just joined him. Moreover, because of him, I was away from Sarah and my kids.

I wasn't even there with her when she was pregnant.

"Hey," I heard my beautiful wife speaking as she came inside our bedroom. I looked at her and saw her wearing a baby pink silky nightgown. Her hair was in a little messy bun and she was all dressed up to go to sleep.

I smiled and held out my one arm towards her. I was sitting on the bed and the laptop was on my lap. As I held out my hand, she immediately jumped on the bed and leaned against my chest. My arms wrapped around her as he leaned on the bed headboard.

She looked at the screen of the laptop where I was looking at the photos and smiled. "Still looking?"

I nodded.

After telling me about her past, she logged into her email drive in my laptop and handed me the laptop to look through her email drive where she saved all her and the kids pictures.

Even though she gave me the pictures a while ago, I didn't finish looking at them.

Every picture just made me realized how much I missed out in these 5 years.

Sarah tapped on the laptop screen and showed me a picture. It was a picture of an ultrasound report. I could see the womb and I could see the underdeveloped pictures of the babies in the womb.

It almost brought tears to my eyes but I held it back.

"This was when I was 8 months pregnant," she said.

I smiled and kissed her forehead as she kept her head still on my chest.

She smiled as she pulled up another picture. In the picture, she was wearing her F.B.I. outfit and was hugging her belly which was quiet big.

"You look pretty," I whispered.

She didn't look up to me but I could see her ear turning a little red from the small compliment.

"The babies would always kick whenever I would tell them about you," she said softly.

My heart just melted when I heard her say that.

She used to tell the babies about me when the babies were in her belly? I wasn't even with the kids.

She pulled up another picture which was a baby picture of the kids when they were just few months old and was crawling on the floor.

The babies looked so adorable and innocent. It was hard to stay quiet and not feel guilty. I wished that I was with the twins that time . . . Holding their hands and helping them to crawl . . .

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