Chapter 27: Shark Attack

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I got on the wooden boat again. After taking a tour around the island with Waali and secretly recording everything there, I was ready to go home and work on my next part of the mission.

But of course, Waali didn't know that.

I sat on the boat and another man got on the boat as well. But it wasn't Waali. Waali was standing outside of the boat and was looking at us.

"This is Nathan," Waali said as the man who got on the boat looked at me.

Nather wore a tshirt with jeans. I could see a gun on his back pocket.

"Nathan is going to send you back," Waali said.

I nodded. "Thank you, Waali. I hope to have a meeting with you soon regarding our next smuggling."

Waali laughed. "Of course, see you soon, Ifra."

I nodded and smiled.

Nathan began to row the boat as I looked around. It was almost 4 am. I took a lot of video footage secretly so I hope this would be a valid evidence in the court.

The boat began to row and I leaned on the boat to relax a bit. I was tired.

Nathan was rowing the boat and I was just relaxing and not looking at where we were going.

"Ms. Ifra, you know," Nathan began to speak as I looked at him. "I am surprised that boss even brought you to the island."

I fakely smiled. "We are partners," I replied. "It is normal for Waali to bring his partners to this island, right?"

Nathan laughed. "Did you really thought that you were special?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Boss did several smuggling with people. After a few deals, we moved to another smuggler," he replied. Nathan had an evil smile on his face.

For some reason, I didn't felt safe on the boat. The way Nathan was talking didn't sound right.

"Ms. Ifra, do you know what we do to the smugglers that we are done with and are ready to move on?" He asked and stopped rowing the boat.

I looked at Nathan and then looked around. Clearly, we were not near the beach. We were far away fro. The beach and the island were nowhere to be seen.

Did he took another route?

Where were we?

"My boss had a pleasure to work with you, Ms. Ifra," Nathan said and then stood up on the boat. "But now that you have saw the island and were good use to us, my boss ordered me to feed you to the fishes."

My eyes wided in shock.

Wait, what?!

I stared at Nathan in shock. He began to come closer to me, and I moved back. His eyes looked cold and his lips had an evil smirk.

Nathan bend down and touched my hijab. My heart began to throb.

I wasn't scared to fight back but I was terrified of the way he was moving closer to me and running his fingers in my hijab.

Yes, I was an FBI officer.

Yes, I had a gun with me.

But, I was a woman too. Any woman would be terrified if they are stuck in the middle of water with a man on a boat who was looking at me with clearly not a good intention.

I used my hands and pushed him back with force.

Nathan moved away and laughed. "We are pretty far from the island, my dear. Nobody will hear you scream."

I stood up and looked at him. "What do you want, Nathan?!"

Nathan laughed and took out his gun from his back pocket. "Nobody had ever gone back to home alive after coming to this island, Ifra," Nathan laughed and pointed the gun at me. "You wanted to see the island and now, you have to pay the price."

I took out my gun out of my pocket immediately and pointed at him as well. "Bad choice, Nathan," I said and looked at him. "You shouldn't have pick on me."

Nathan laughed and shot a bullet just beside me which didn't touch me. He was waiting for me to flinch or look at him with fear. But instead, I just stood there and had my gun pointing at him.

When he didn't saw me flinch he licked his lips and smirked. "You have guts, young lady," he said. "I would have love to have a woman like you but you know what's bad? Boss told me to feed you to the fishes. Apparently, there are a lot of sharks here."

My eyes wided in shock.

Wait what?!

Nathan smirked. "I believe you will be a delicious food to them."

Just as he said those words, I fired my bullet from the gun which shot directly on his arms, making him drop his gun.

"Hands up!" I yelled out pointing the gun at him.

Nathan looked at me in shock but kept his hands up. His hand was bleeding from the bullet that shot him.

"You are trained!" Nathan gasped.

I smirked. "I told you that you made a mistake," I said and walk towards him.

"You are a fool as well," Nathan said but he kept his hands up as I was close to hima and his my gun in his chest. "There are a bunch if sharks here. We are far from the island and from the beach. Don't you know that blood attrack sharks?"

I used my hands and griped on his neck and choked him hard. "You brought me here to make me a victim of shark attack! You thought I will let you go like this!" I yelled and punched him on his chest.

Nathan fell on the boat and his hand which was bleeding fell on the water.

I bend down and grip his hair and pulled his head up to look at him.

"Tell me why Waali wanted to finish me?" I asked.

Nathan didn't say anything but laughed.

"Tell me, darn it!" I yelled and punched his face.

"Oww!" Nathan winched in pain. "Tell me or else-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence as we suddenly felt the boat shaking. Something was moving the boat.

The boat was weak against the strong force and flipped over, making Nathan and me fell on the water.

Luckily, I knew how to swim so I moved my legs and tried to stay up on the surface of the water.

What's going on?

I looked around and was shocked when I saw a bunch of sharks were circling around Nathan and me.

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