Chapter 32: Telling My Past

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I was still cooking the omelet on the stove.

I was humming a random tune and was cooking the egg with my spatula when I suddenly noticed a different odor in the air.

It was fresh minty smell.

Somebody must be around me and was standing without making a sound. Just from smelling the odor I knew who it was.

"Eshan?" I called out without turning back. A smiled played on my lips when I felt two familiar arms wrapping around my waist from the back. His body was hugging me from my back and his chin was in my neck. I could feet wet hair brushing against my cheek from behind.

My heart was beating faster when I felt him leaning on me from behind like that.

"How did you figure it out?" Eshan whispered against my ear which made me feel a little ticklish.

"From your odor," I said and turned off the stove as the egg was already cooked. Without turning back, I kept talking. "You always use the same body wash."

Eshan laughed and turned me around to face him. I saw him looking at me with his beautiful eyes. His brown hair was wet and water was still dripping down his neck. He was wearing a simple t-shirt and pajama.

He leaned closer to me and I felt trapped between the kitchen counter and him. Watching him bending down to meet my eyes, I felt a little nervous and blushed.

Eshan just looked so darn hot . . . I mean . . .

I blushed harder.

Never mind.

"I guess, having a wife as an agent is hard to work with, huh?" He chuckled. "I would never be able to surprise you or scare you from behind."

I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying. My eyes were running down to his neckline and then to his lips as I watched him talking.

It wasn't fair that even after five years, Eshan looked so handsome and I just looked more crapy and ordinary.

My fingers slowly ran on his hair and he leaned a little closer.

"I thought we were having omelet," he whispered, not looking away from me. If anything, he was just leaning closer and using his husky voice to talk to me.

"Oh, we are," I whispered back and put my one hand around his neck and pulled him even closer until his nose was rubbing against mine. My other hand was brushing on his cheek and then on his lip.

"Sarah," he whispered as my thump touched his lower lip. "Kiss me."

Eshan didn't need to say twice.

I pressed my lips against his and felt the warm and sweet feeling again. My arms immediately wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, and running my fingers ran through his hair. Everything around us faded and all I could feel was his soft warm lips against mine.

One thing lead to another.

It didn't took much time before I found myself sitting in the kitchen counter and Eshan was bending down and having his two hands on my sides placed on the kitchen counter. Our lips were still pressing against each other while our tongue fought for dominance.

Eshan pulled away from me, leaving me breathless. I was panting and was trying to catch my breath. My cheeks were red and my heart was racing.

Eshan placed his head on my shoulder and stayed there still. I could feel his warm breath against my neck.

"Do you even realize how dangerous you are?" He mumbled softly. I could feel his lips brushing against my skin on my neck.

"I am not dangerous," I whispered, making him chuckle.

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